Your Life Is A Story You Tell Yourself

Following Dreams


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that the story of our life is one that is constantly being written as we learn to follow our heart to places unknown and levels un-lived. To make this pathway more enjoyable, it is important to remember that each step we take is a choice and a decision that is being made by our soul self – trust that it is worth it.

The adventures of life are designed to inspire us to grow, change, evolve and develop a greater sense of self awareness as we go.  To make this worthwhile we have learned to use our imagination in ways that make our choices seem believable and important enough to keep us focused on them until we realize that we are done learning the lesson.

Here are the signs that you have completed what you set out to learn and that it is time to let go of the lesson and receive the blessing :

IRRITATION:  the knowing that you have repeated it enough times.
FRUSTRATION: the feeling that you are ready to give up or give in
AGGRAVATION: the sense that it is no longer beneficial or worthwhile