TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a deep insight into the inner world of our own perception.  We tend to feel there is a ‘hole’ in our soul or heart where our parents, siblings, partners, children and friends should occupy.  These spaces are part of the conditions we develop over a lifetime where the belief is that these individuals are what makes our life worthwhile and worthy.  As a result we end up feeling less than worthy, deserving or accepted.

The truth is that we are ‘whole’ when we fill those holes of expectations or illusions with our own love of self.  This is the hardest thing to do under the generations of conditioning we have accumulated.  Loving ones self has  not been considered ‘holy’.  It is taught that we must avoid the self love that is necessary in order to conform to a false sense of service and sacrifice in order to be normal or accepted.

Take some time today and focus on filling the HOLES in your soul or heart with so much love that it pours right through those holes until the filling of our outer world overflows and fills the space of our inner world.  That way the what used to be a hole in your heart becomes a portal for the natural flow of love to be a gateway where only love can occupy the space and easily flow in and out with each breath.

HOLE= a place where love can easily flow either way to support our soul and purpose
WHOLE= a sense of completeness where we are endlessly full of self love and compassion
HOLY= a state of grace where we are so filled with love we have nothing else to share