When we awaken to the realization that we are the source of our own supply

Unveiling The Truth

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a really close look at our point of view and perception of ourselves in relation to the world we have created. Our inner perspective is made manifest into our outer experience through our belief system that we hold in our thoughts.

When we awaken to the realization that we are the source of our own supply and experience there is a deep desire to shift our thoughts to a more balanced state.

This is when we are finally willing to see differently as we now have the ability to view life through ‘real eyes’. We then ‘realize’ that we are in complete control of our destiny and the journey we are on.

EYES= the spiritual window we see life through
REALIZE= the spiritual awakening to the truth about life
REAL EYES= the spiritual vision that brings us truth & love