The Matrix

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the current transformational energies and vibrations that are shaking up our world.  We are experiencing a cosmic shakedown like never before.  It is up to us to allow the flow of energy to access our divine blueprint and to reprogram our consciousness so that it aligns to the new paradigm.

From what seems like hopeless days of chaos and distress, will come a time of extraordinary peace and harmony.  The fact that we cannot see it yet, does not mean it doesn’t exist, it just means we are not aligned to it fully YET.  Give yourself permission to just let go and let it flow and see what happens.  This is a time of surrender and renewal that will make all of the former experiences seem worthwhile.

EXTERNAL= thoughts and ideas
INTERNAL= feelings and emotions
PATERNAL= information and intention
MATERNAL= nature and nurture
ETERNAL= mastery and majesty