TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: teaches us that whenever we are in place where change is happening, we are most likely to be in a state of resistance first.  This is an indicator that the process has begun and we are asking ourselves what it is that must change about ourselves that will enhance our life in some way.  This enhancement must come at the end of a long period of time where we have been ‘researching’ the opposite of what we deserve, or desire.  The contrast builds up an awareness of what we truly believe or want to become.

The transformation process begins in a state of darkness where we are introverted, quiet, confused, upset or agitated in our daily life.  This is the time where nothing makes sense and everything becomes annoying to our senses and sensibility.  The main purpose of this is so we can take a very intense look at our thoughts, our feelings and the outcome of the two working together to either hold an illusion in place, or break it open and lay it out for us to examine in a new light.

So if you are having one of those ‘experiences’ right now, just imagine that you are able to rise above the issue, the illusion, the challenge and see it with fresh eyes that only see the potential and the possibility of a better way of being.

THE ISSUE= where our focus takes us to see something important
THE ILLUSION= the place where we wake up to the truth
THE INSIGHT= a state of awareness when we complete our challenge