The Art Of Conscious Creation

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us focus on attracting the elements of love into our experience where we can embrace all that we are with dignity and integrity.  The deepest secrets that we hold within our hearts quite often are the same energy that keeps knocking at our door and wanting to come in.

The challenges that life is bringing to you are actually energies that are flowing through you.  Once you understand the concept of reflection, you will realize that the issues and attitudes that are surrounding you are a ripple effect coming from within you.  You are the pebble in your own pond.  It would be easier to just deny or blame others for this experience, but in the end you would not discover the gold at the other side of your celestial rainbow.

To every moment there is a counter moment that reveals the opposing points of view that help us fill in the full spectrum of what our personal limitations or illusions really are.  When you ‘think’ you are vulnerable and react in a ‘fearful’ way, you get to confirm your suspicions as being right.  However – the same holds true of the opposite choice – if you think you are ‘invincible’, and react in a ‘confident’ way – you can be right too.  The question is which one do you choose?

This is the beginning of a total transformation of our manifestation processes.  We are entering into the conscious creation realms of think it . . . feel it . . . have it . . . be it . . . in the blink of an eye.  Be careful what you ask for – you just might get it faster than you expected!

THINK IT= go ahead and imagine anything you desire or require
FEEL IT= allow your true feelings to respond instead of react to your ideas
BE IT= embodying the creation you are desiring or dreaming of – let it happen