TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  encourages us to take the time to review our moments with a heart that is open to the blessings all around us.  As we venture further into our higher vibrations, it is important to acknowledge the sum and total of our source of supply and life force.  Each moment reflects the extent that we are able to do that, and shows us how much love we have embodied that we have access to.

The journey to enlightenment is long and expansive in its challenges.  We choose those moments and all that comes with them in order to accomplish what we are needing to learn, know and ultimately understand.  These challenges can be at times overwhelming in their depths and intensity but at the end of the day, in the core of our being, at the depth of our soul, we know we are contributing a priceless level of awareness to the collective  that blesses each and everyone.

In order to achieve these levels and goals, we must be ready to surrender to the moment we are in by being thankful, grateful and hopeful in our intentions, perceptions and directions that we take to bring it into being. This level of alignment is not for the faint of heart or the unawakened soul.  It is truly the most difficult and challenging stage of a souls development as they reach enlightenment . . . the journey back to who we are at the conscious level of unconditional love.

THANKFUL= acknowledging  responsibility for what we have created and experienced
GRATEFUL= accepting how we feel about participating in our choices and challenges
HOPEFUL= allowing ourselves to trust that all is what it is meant to be and will be