Tears Of Humanity

Letting it all go

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  shares a wonderful vision of how we are moving forward and flowing more freely these days.  The tide of humanity is now edging its way ever closer to the brink of blessings and abundance.  We are finally understanding the importance of letting go of of what was so we can fully embrace what will be.  In the middle of that dance, we are poised for resurrection and revelations.

Inside each and every heart is the same message.  We all hold it near and dear to our soul self where it is unfolded very carefully and gently in these times of such violence and turmoil.  The test of a true spiritual warrior is to be steadfast and true to the vision of oneness and wholeness that makes us all one great family of light.

In the next few days as we move closer to the fullness of the moon cycle, you will also find a great welling up of emotions and feelings that have never before seen the light of day.  When this tide of energy rises, be ready to celebrate it through the flow or flood of tears.  They will be tears of sorrow, sadness, suffering, sacrifice, and all other formerly hidden feelings of unworthiness that will burst open your heart of gold.  Allow yourself the privilege of recognizing the significance of this event and let it happen.

SHAKEDOWN= the shadow surface is crumbling & crashing
BREAKDOWN= the cracks from broken hearts are opening & widening
TAKEDOWN= the warrior walls are falling & fading