Your Life Is A Story You Tell Yourself

Following Dreams


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that the story of our life is one that is constantly being written as we learn to follow our heart to places unknown and levels un-lived. To make this pathway more enjoyable, it is important to remember that each step we take is a choice and a decision that is being made by our soul self – trust that it is worth it.

The adventures of life are designed to inspire us to grow, change, evolve and develop a greater sense of self awareness as we go.  To make this worthwhile we have learned to use our imagination in ways that make our choices seem believable and important enough to keep us focused on them until we realize that we are done learning the lesson.

Here are the signs that you have completed what you set out to learn and that it is time to let go of the lesson and receive the blessing :

IRRITATION:  the knowing that you have repeated it enough times.
FRUSTRATION: the feeling that you are ready to give up or give in
AGGRAVATION: the sense that it is no longer beneficial or worthwhile

A World Of Change . . . A Season Of Hope

Innocence Of Spirit


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an innocence of spirit and the power of grace that lies within each and every heart.  We are the glory of goodness at the very core of our being that has the power to create the world we live in.  Let there be hope and a sense of happiness in knowing that the world can change at any moment when we are willing to allow it to.

Each and every soul contributes to the level of love that permeates the energy field on this planet.  The more we focus on our full potential, the closer we get to living it.  There is no need for a struggle of power or passion when it comes to living the fullest life we are intended to.  An awakened soul knows one thing powerfully true and that is that there is not enough reasons or justifications for the act of war or violence.

A peaceful planet allows the innocence of its children to be free and cared for in every way.  Just like the planet herself, who is in need of the freedom to just be and thrive in the knowing that all is well and all is wholly created for the purpose of being respected, loved, adored and revered as sacred.  Soon this planet will require every living organism to exist at this level of vibration.  To resist this vibration will mean leaving in various ways.

PEACEFUL= a state of contentment created by experiencing it
PASSIONATE= a state of enthusiasm designed to support itself
POWERFUL= a state of grace where all is equal

Don’t Give Up ~ Rise Up

Soul Journey

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a particularly challenging insight into the human spirit at this time.  We are so close to the shifting of consciousness, but it brings about an air of intensity that creates concern on all levels.  The inner realms of light and love are emerging into a world that is meant to be peaceful and patient with each new soul that pops through the veils of illusion.  This may seem like just the opposite of what is taking place right now.

It is the purpose of each individual to hold the faith, stay the course and steady the ladder as each one takes a turn to journey higher into the consciousness that makes sense of all that is happening.  When you stand above the chaos, above the illusions, above the disarray of order within the communities you are living in you can see there is a plan and it is unfolding gently.

If your heart is heavy with the burdens of past events, then you cannot climb any higher until you let them go.  Imagine what it is like to be exhausted as a soul and choosing to carry heavy burdens with you on each step of the way.  This does not serve any purpose other than to challenge you to let go.  Take a deep breath . . . then breathe out and release anything that you are carrying . . . watch it fall . . . say good bye . . . now simply rise up as you effortlessly take the next step on your journey.

RISE= letting your soul be free of hurt, pain, worry
RAISE= choosing to lift your vibration to the place of peace, calm, serenity
RISEN= the place of peace where we see all things clearly through the eyes of love