TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the idea that we are being filtered through a layer of illusion that keeps us from fully waking up.  The energy of the day is to make things complicated and chaotic so that the real reason behind things is hidden.  Our inner wisdom and soul connection to Source is speaking loud and clear if our hearts are open to the truth.  The illusions hold no power over our discernment, but we must in fact choose to use it and trust that it is able to guide us through the darkest of times.

CHAOS  seems to be a normal practice that we have grown used to.  No one seems to question why it is everywhere, what the purpose behind it is, or how do we resolve it so we can return to a natural flow and function as a human race.  The acceptance of chaos as a normal part of life is bringing us to a lower frequency and a more disconnected state of awareness.  Chaos is designed to stir things up, to toss them in the air and see what lands and what falls away.  During a time of chaos each and every soul is in a position to create change.  When we ignore that signal and simply look the other way . . . a greater level of chaos will be coming that we can’t ignore.

CONFUSION is a game the mind plays in order to bring our awareness back into focus.  The moment you realize you are having difficulties focusing, thinkings, reasoning or paying attention, is the moment we need to stop and take a very close look at what we are doing, who we are doing it with, and the why behind our intentions in being a part of it.  Getting caught up in the moment of reaction is typical as a  human response.  Learning how to pause, breathe, centre, and then connect should be a plan already in place for when things get turned upside down in our world.  That extra moment of refocusing our energy and our thoughts can be a life changer.

CLUTTER shows up all around us to reflect we are in a state of chaos within.  The chaos of confusion and chaos takes a toll on our cognitive thinking and reasoning..  Not addressing that inner turmoil spills over into our surroundings, into our relationships, and into our comfort zone of where we see ourselves in relation to what is loving, kind, fair or true.  When we tolerate chaos of any kind, we signal the instant distortion of our personal perception and things get ‘messy’ inside and out.

COMPLICATIONS is the byproduct of a mind out of focus.  When the mind is left to do its own thing and not strategically asked to focus on ONE thing, it immediately moves to a default perspective to begin to be distracted by EVERYTHING.  This keeps us occupied and otherwise entertained by the world around us, thus successfully avoiding the inner world where the changes or solutions can be found.  Our minds love a ‘problem’.  We can spend hours, days or years defending and protecting our unwillingness to change by always focusing on the reasons something won’t work instead of solutions being found to correct the situation.  Mastering the Mind is a full time job.  Learning to re-direct ourselves in a better direction eventually shifts us from problems to solutions but it must be done consciously.

CLARITY comes through CONSCIOUS CREATION where we learn to focus on what we want, what we need and what we require in order to be happy, healthy, worthy and wealthy.  This is a sign that a soul has graduated into the world of making their own reality.  Living outside of the old world is a very challenging journey.  The old thoughts, feelings and memories keep challenging us to play another round of CHAOS, CONFUSION, CLUTTER THAT COMPLICATE THINGS.  Are we still willing to play?  Or are we ready to change?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Shares in inspirational message from Source that we are in a place of great transformation and change.  This awareness is no longer hidden, but directly in front of our souls vision each and every day.  The opportunity for change is infinite as we consider the ways we are being challenged to re-align our body, mind and soul to the new reality forming.

Here are some tools to use as we learn to focus more specifically on the key areas of our being that contain energy and an abundance of opportunity within us to make these shifts consciously.  We are able to self correct and connect through our inner guidance and our higher self support system in every moment.  The challenge comes when we are not clear energetically.  This usually happens in one system, which then puts all other systems on high alert or dysfunctional actions to signal the shift that is needed.

CLUTTER – when our mind is filled with confusion, memories, beliefs or misinterpretations that take us off focus and create illusions for us to follow.

CHAOS – fills our emotional body with all kinds of emotions that conflict or contradict our true feelings – this makes us feel disconnected and out of sorts.

CONGESTION – happens when our mind and emotions are not in alignment with our souls purpose and connection to Source.  Our systems slow down, malfunction or fail to operate properly.  This is the moment when we should be moving into a state of concern and commit to getting reconnected and realigned properly.

CLARITY – seeking to clear all the irrelevant, irrational or irritating thoughts we are having can greatly help clear our mind of all the clutter.  When the mind is cleared, we will find the space and place within us begins to be organized and cleared – then we manifest that in the energy field around us with organization, cleaner spaces.

CALM – is the energy that floods into our feeling centre when release all the old emotions held onto or hidden in our body/being.  This opens up a sense of inner connection, strength and self confidence where we are able to move forward with ease.

CONNECTION – opens up our inner world of alignment to the Divine Mother and our outer world with the Divine Father

CORRECTION – when we are able to consciously create our own clearing within and reconnect to the source of our supply in a natural flow which supports healthy function.  



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: – speaks of the energy that is distorted when we begin to loose the ability to trust.  When the heart is not trusted, followed or respected as the source of love in life, we instantly change our vibration to reflect that loss and the battle begins.

THOUGHTS – we begin to doubt, judge, criticize and reject what the heart wants and what it is trying to reveal to us in each moment, breath and heart beat.  This is very challenging pattern to break out of as the longer we stay in it, the further from the truth we get and the deeper into darkness we mentally descend.  Our thoughts become our enemy that we can on longer trust as we fight to make sense of life and what is happening in our reality and how we relate to it (or not).

FEELINGS – when we don’t trust them, begin to waver and expand and contract into overwhelmed or numbness that we cannot understand or follow in any direction that brings us through to a better place.  Our emotions become a punishment as we descend into victim mode and flounder around hoping to find a way out of this self imposed prison of despair.

For our season of mastery, we spend every waking moment in this battle of wits and wills to find our way through.  Many spend most of their days chasing after butterflies – (people, things, ideas and promises) that are made by others about finding the way out or the answers to the deep questions that torment us inside.  Every time we get close to a discovery – another butterfly goes by and we are off chasing it without even knowing why.

TRUST – is powerful when it is being followed with a strong sense of faith in the purpose and outcome of our life force.  It is devastating when our heart is broken and we break that trust connection and get lost in the wilderness of this unloving world we live in.  

THOUGHTS = the information and ideas that we have about who we are and why we are here on the planet today.  When we trust our heart knows the way, we have clear thoughts and a sense of direction based on ideas that we can see, experience and witness as loving or unloving.

FEELINGS = the intuition and insights we naturally have that are a form of modern day GPS giving us a sense of connection and direction that we must take based on how we feel about ourselves, and self in relation to others.  When we do not trust our feelings are there to guide us and ignore them or avoid them – we remain imprisoned in a world of grief and loss, feeling unloved and unworthy of love.

THE WAR OF THE AGES = humanities disconnection from the heart centre and how it is the source of our well being, our abundance, our sense of direction, our manifestation and reflection of what or who we trust.  Trust no one – including self . . . and the war goes on indefinitely until we are so exhausted we have nothing left to fight with.  Surrender will come at some point – by design or by default.  The war will end and we will be renewed and reconnected to the source of our creation that we can trust again – EARTH/HEART.