Are You Awake? Or Asleep?

The Dreamer Awakens

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a closer look at our inner levels of development with the intent to expand our awareness in a new direction.  It is easy to assume that because we are awake, that we are moving in a way that enhances our soul each step of the way.  Sometimes though, it is essential to look even closer at the various pieces of our soul puzzle and see how they fit.

For those remaining in the state of awareness where they are still asleep, it is easier to look at the world and say it is not up to me and I am not responsible for what happens.  For those who are recently awakened it would seem that they are in a minority group where it doesn’t matter how hard they try nothing seems to change in the bigger picture.

The most powerful levels of change that are now taking place are in the majority group of souls where they are able to hold a vision, participate in meditation and contribute to the transformation that is unfolding.  This is the point of critical mass where the new world begins to emerge from all the chaos.

From this place of focused intentions and intuition comes a new level of soul maturity where each one is able to take full responsibility for their actions and creations as they use conscious creation to contribute to the world of unconditional love.  This is where the entire planet will arrive when there is enough mature souls to inhabit it and love it back into balance.

MEDIOCRITY= no one truly cares or loves completely
MINORITY= a few begin to love conditionally
MAJORITY= the most of souls learning to love self & others
MATURITY= we arrive at the vibration of unconditional love

Your Life Is A Story You Tell Yourself

Following Dreams


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that the story of our life is one that is constantly being written as we learn to follow our heart to places unknown and levels un-lived. To make this pathway more enjoyable, it is important to remember that each step we take is a choice and a decision that is being made by our soul self – trust that it is worth it.

The adventures of life are designed to inspire us to grow, change, evolve and develop a greater sense of self awareness as we go.  To make this worthwhile we have learned to use our imagination in ways that make our choices seem believable and important enough to keep us focused on them until we realize that we are done learning the lesson.

Here are the signs that you have completed what you set out to learn and that it is time to let go of the lesson and receive the blessing :

IRRITATION:  the knowing that you have repeated it enough times.
FRUSTRATION: the feeling that you are ready to give up or give in
AGGRAVATION: the sense that it is no longer beneficial or worthwhile

Build A Bridge Over Barriers

Bridge Over Barriers

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is really quite simple
as most powerful shifts of consciousness are . . .

There is no barrier, boundary nor block that you cannot build a bridge over as you reawaken your soul self.  You are in the flow and the flow is in you . . . therefore YOU ARE THE FLOW of abundant life and light.

BARRIER = the veils of illusions we surround ourselves with
BOUNDARY= the need for perimeter protection from life
BLOCK= the denial of truth that holds the key and sets you free
BRIDGE= the connection to all that is a part of who you are
BOUNTY= the blessings of abundant life awaiting your arrival