Shifting Your Mood Easily

Ask & It Is Given

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a very easy way to shift our mood when we feel it sliding down the vibrational path to sadness or sorrow.  It is just as easy to move ourselves back up the scale when given the blessing of sound and vibration combined with a vision.

Using the simple sound of ‘awe’, allow yourself to fully embrace the sadness and sorrow within it as if your best friend just walked away, or your puppy was hurt.  This hurtful resonance of despair lies deep within each of us, and will seek to gain our attention at times when life is challenging or disappointing.  Say it with me now – AWWWE.

Then begin to move the sound of awe up a notch – like you are only disappointed in something or someone (perhaps even yourself).  It is not as heavy or lonely, but still expresses a part of you that may be hidden.  Awe – I am disappointed . . .

Now move up a level and say awe as if you just discovered you made a mistake and would like to take back something you said or did.  It was an accident – I didn’t mean to, I am so sorry.  Awe – please forgive me.  Hear the change in tone and feel the shift in energy.

Moving on up – awe – I just discovered or realized something and it is important.  I am in a place of understanding something that has been puzzling me – ohh – that’s what is going on, that makes more sense to me and the sound is morphing into ohhh instead of awe.  Keep saying it until you feel the shift  . . .

By now you will begin to feel a vibrational energy that is rising quickly and moving through you creating tingles, shivers or waves of delight.  This is the joyful use of awe-ohhh changing your vibration to joy and happiness . . . keep saying it until you let the energy of joy burst into bliss . . . awe . . . . . ohhh . . . . wow . . . see how far you can allow the vibration to rise within your heart and soul.  Warning – this can be orgasmic!

AWE= sadness, sorrow, surrender
OH= hopeful, helpful, healing
WOW= uplifting, encouraging, exciting!

Compassionate Conversations

Rainbow Warriors

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that after all of the gatherings and celebrations we have been attending, are we feeling like we were heard?  like we made a difference?  that we contributed something special to the lives of others?

At this point in our evolutionary journey, we must focus diligently on the energy we are contributing to the sum of the whole.  If the conversation you are engaged in is not uplifting, encouraging or inspiring towards self and others, then it is an opportunity for you to elevate the energy by turning the focus towards a more loving direction.

It is easy to get caught up in dialogues that repeat the old patterns of criticism, humiliation or just plain judgment, but we are in a place of knowing better now, so it is time to do better, and then ultimately our whole world will be better.  This process takes courage, for many are still stuck in their rut of victim or needing to be right.  Be gentle in your redirection of their focus, and see how easily you can become the leader of our new world of peace instead of a follower in the old world of war.

COMPLIMENTARY= help others see their sacred side
ENCOURAGING= support the growth of soul self & others
UPLIFTING= take the focus to a new and higher awareness
INSPIRING= show others how much better it feels