TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings an inner awareness of how we have come to awaken our soul in a time of great challenges and chaos.  It is written that these times will be tumultuous and intense but little did we know it would be this expansive and global.

The journey of karma has been a long one.  It is a project that every soul has been moving through and the learning part of the process has been completed.  There is nothing left to learn about suffering, fear, judgment, rejection, separation etc.  We have truly and intimately embodied it all.  So the challenge now becomes how do we complete the game of karma so that we are no longer bound by its lack, limitations and absent of love?

What is taking place these days is the exposure of what has been dwelling underneath the surface of every human heart and soul for a very long time.  The darkness of our past has left an imprint on the present that is still affecting the future . . . it must be exposed in order to recognize how it feels, what it creates, and how it contributes to our suffering here on Planet Earth.

Spirit has revealed a way of addressing our residual energies so that we can gently move forward in a way that makes us free of the past so we can be more present in the now, which will inevitably shift the future to a more harmonious and happy place.  What we have called HEAVEN ON EARTH.

BECAME= the sum and total of our karma experiences has manifested everything we have learned and experienced into who we are now.  For some that is awakened – for others still in the process of awakening and going through the motions of discovery of self.  This is the empowerment process that ultimately will make everything more clear and complete.

BECAUSE= all the excuses and reasons we use to support our lack of loving intentions and actions – we have an endless supply of reasons we have been less than kind, honest or sincere in our actions and reactions in life.  As long as these excuses are hiding our true selves, we cannot complete our karma commitment.  There comes a moment when we begin to BE THE CAUSE of our own healing by taking full responsibility and ownership of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour.  This is the time when we begin to understand CONSCIOUS CREATION.  

BECOME= the moment when we are fully awakened to the truth of who we are, why we are here, what we are capable of creating and consciously choosing to do it through the light of love.  That is our divine blueprint and destiny that is written within every cell of our being.  Our heart has the plan and the connection to Source that calls us into action so we can share our love unconditionally.  This is our one and only true purpose.  

BE yourself, COME to the fullness of your truth with all the gifts and abilities that represents.  The second ‘Coming’ is us . . . when we BECOME our divine light and expand this realm of darkness into the next level of light and love . . . we are the EVOLUTION of LOVE that expands the entire UNIVERSE.  

Celebrating The Earth Heart



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the intimate wisdom of the Universe as we celebrate a day that reflects eternal love.  We are all in a place of awakening to the inner divine nature of our spirit.  Through this process, we evolve and develop a deeper relationship with all things of a divine nature.  This includes everything that is and all the ever will be.

Open your heart and your arms today to receive the infilling of love at a level you have not witnessed before.  Not the commercial kind of love that simply shares one day of acknowledgement, but the eternal level of love that will uplift you to levels forgotten by your soul for a long time.  Embrace the unconditional love of creation from which you were birthed.

Let your physical, mental and emotional bodies radiate with a new awareness and fullness that will bless you abundantly on all levels as you reunite with all that you are. Your ability to love is not complete until you experience all of these levels of love.

HEAVENLY BODY= your original source of creation
EARTHLY BODY= your temporary state of grace
EVERY BODY= your celestial family here with you