TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a very interesting message for humanity at this time.  We are facing some of the most challenging issues and energies that can leave us feeling fearful and hopeless if not understood.  The gift behind the curtain of illusions is an encoded message to awaken as many as possible to the truth of a new reality.

The topic of IMMUNITY is being focused on like never before.  It is true that it is being shared in a way that is fearful and threatening to those that are not awake and aware, but to the rest of humanity that have their eyes and hearts wide open this is undoubtedly the times we have been preparing for.

I have worked with encoded words, symbols and teachings that have been channelled through me for over 30 years now.  It has always made perfect sense to me . . . but others tend to look at me like I am not quite all there or am speaking in a foreign language that they can’t decipher.  And yet not too many days go by that I am not gifted with information that helps me understand and share the codes with those that are ready to work with them.  If you look back through the posts on my page here, you will see the gifts of wisdom being shared frequently in times when needed most.

Todays code work is particularly timely and richly embodied with some healing knowledge.  It comes with a frequency and vibration that just does what it needs to do for those that are ready to embrace what it means.  Are you ready???

UNITY= UNI TY . . . ONENESS THAT TIES US ALL TOGETHER – the sum and whole of creation that exists inside each and every one of us.

IMMUNITY= I MM UNITY . . . I AM UNITY THAT BRINGS US ALL TOGETHER – the same way our inner immunity brings everything together inside our bodies, organs, systems, functions and actions.  When it is working in harmony we are healthy.  When it is out of balance we are unhealthy.

COMMUNITY= CO MM UNITY . . . CO-MANIFESTING A WORLD THAT WE BRING TOGETHER CONSCIOUSLY.  This is our current collective energy that calls us all to reconnect and no longer reject the idea and concept of ONENESS.  There are two forces that are competing for control of this event.  Those that want it to happen, and those that don’t.  Who will prevail?

Together we make up the sum and total of creation in a loving, kind, benevolent way that embraces and includes every possible difference and diversity as having purpose and part of the divine plan.  Once we awaken to this truth . . . the vibration of creation begins to call us home to where we are all one happy family of energy.  Working together, playing together, growing together and supporting each other through the process of change. Instead of judging and fearing the differences we reflect – we embrace those qualities as a blessing and a benefit to us all.  

Closing The Great Divide



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares some insights into the current energetic wave of love that is moving through our world.  We are in the position now to begin to work towards closing the great divide.  That divine gap, between genders, races, religions, governments and powers is beginning to close.

It is time to reach out and touch the light in each soul with a love that is forgiving, patient, tolerant and kind.  As we become like children in the very essence of our being, we remember to see the best in everything, the opportunities for peace in all things, and the desire to live in harmony with all things.  This is the time in our human history, where we must allow the inner child to lead us to victory.  To listen to the cry of our own soul as it pleads with us to surrender all judgements and fears and learn to love again.

The moment our shadow self and soul self connect with the intent to forgive and not relive the past – we are free to be our true self without resentment, regrets or the need to reject each other any longer.  The embrace of these two sides of self will signal the beginning of a new era of peace on earth.

SHADOW SELF= the darkness of our forgotten love
SOUL SELF= the inner compass that guides us home
SACRED SELF= the connection to all things created
SPIRIT SELF= the embrace of all things being equal
SOURCE SELF= the essence & energy of who we are