TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the intention that we are here to learn so many life lessons through trial and error, falling down and getting up, the pendulum of moving forward and then seemingly being knocked backwards . . . it is all an ingenious process for us to learn about the various and sometimes endless conditions that a human soul can experience in their lifetime.

Each life lesson is recorded within our soul system to remind us of where we have been, what we have learned and where we need to move forward to from there.  No life lesson is an absolute.  The only thing we know for sure, is that once we have been there and done that, the next logical step should be to move in a different direction which should improve the outcome in some beneficial way.

Well logic is very different than emotion.  Logic is very linear and black and white . . . the full spectrum of emotions tend to anchor themselves to an experience and then replay it over and over again until we are very clear that is not where we want to be, or who we want to be if we are going to grow or change.  Emotions can be distractions that keep us from being clear or certain about what we are really trying to accomplish.  Feelings – well they are basic and simple:  MAD, SAD, BAD, GLAD no confusion there, only anger, hurt, guilt or happiness to choose from.

Once we have researched all the ‘conditions’ that life can throw our way, then we have all of the understanding, compassion and empathy that we need to have patience, tolerance and acceptance for others who are still going through the process.  This is how we achieve the state of unconditional love called grace.

CONDITIONAL LOVE= the use of judgment and fear to express ourselves and explore the world as a unique soul seeking perfection.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE= the state of grace where you are perfectly at peace with being an imperfect human, but loving yourself and others anyway.

Could You Face Your Enemy & Lay Down YOUR Weapons?

The Strategist Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: When we consider that there really isn’t any difference between those who live in the light and those who choose to live in the shadows it becomes vitally important to begin opening our hearts to each other.  Love dwells in both places – it does not disappear because we choose to experience something that is unloving.  It is still love learning more about life and the expansion of compassion.

The day will come when the front line of our warriors who still choose to challenge each other for dominance and power, will stand before each other and lay down their weapons. They will choose because their heart has expanded far enough to realize that what they face across the gap between light and dark is the same love that we are all created out of.

In that moment, the power of love will establish a new level of integrity, prosperity and diversity that will elevate the entire planet to the next level of evolution.  Each of us are responsible for allowing that moment to unfold in whatever way it is shown to us.  No one has the right to tell you or force you into this moment.  It is a sacred moment, born of a spiritual journey that will transform the future of our human race.

Can you envision laying down your judgements, fears and weapons and standing strong with the conviction that love is more powerful than any weapon of destruction?  That is our purpose right now – to achieve this.

SHADOW= the place where we discover hurtful/hateful love
LIGHT= the state where we create unconditional love
SURRENDER= the moment we understand the difference

Wild Horses Could Not Tear Us Apart

Soul Reunion

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: ushers in a new level of energy that compels us to unite the inner male and female in a way that reflects the level of love we are seeking.  This union is based on the full acceptance of self on all levels.  The marriage of the male and female self is one of the most sacred moments in the journey of a soul.

The idea of being so fully committed to your inner knowing to the degree that it feels divine is the ultimate goal of bringing in the new reality.  To allow self to be so loved and adored that it doesn’t matter what happens from that moment on there is a great sense of love and adoration that celebrates creation in a wholesome new way.

Love on this level is the epitome of unconditional love.  It does not matter what happened from this time on a soul can accept and allow the beauty of creation to be expressed in any way it chooses without feeling incomplete.  The adventures take on a more pleasant level of seeking to fulfill ones one dreams and desires without the presence of judgement and fear.  The need for greed is gone and the game of compete and compare no longer appeals to anyone.  The diversity of a soul can flourish in this energy and develop a higher awareness of love and expand it further into the universal flow of the divine.

REUNION= the coming together of male & female at soul level
UNION= the reconnection to the source of universal divine within
UNITED= the collective energy of sacred souls as one light & love