Magical Me Forgets How To Be

Magical Me

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: gently reminds us of our childhood dreams and desires to live a life that is filled with magic and wonder.  In the challenging journey of life we tend to forget that there are things that nourish our soul and feed our need to be happy.  The idea of happiness to our inner child is vitally important to our overall sense of wellbeing.

Spend some time going to a place within where you can reconnect to your inner child and rekindle the magical enthusiasm that makes life more exciting, interesting and worthwhile.  From this place of joyful wonder we can energize ourselves back into a balanced state of feeling good about ourselves again.  How long has it been since you had that amazing feeling of ‘life is good’.

Being thankful and grateful to soul self for all of the adventures we have been on, can shift the focus from what isn’t working back to what will work better in the now.  Our research from the past has purpose and value, but only when we use it to clear the past and create something new with it now.

WELLBEING= a state of grace where we live a happy life
WORTHWHILE= a feeling that creates satisfaction for our soul
WELLNESS= a balanced state of health where we feel good
WORTHY= a powerful state of self acceptance

What Is Freedom To You?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks a very powerful, personal question of each and every soul who has been making changes and evolving these days.  What does freedom mean to you?  There are many forms of freedom that we can all relate to, but it is the personal ones that make us unique and different that are forming a new level of awareness these days.

Some would say that freedom is directly connected to finances and the ability to afford living their dreams and desires without sacrificing what they have saved.  Others might say that freedom is a feeling that comes when you have let go of all of the clutter and non-sense things in your life that have made you feel overwhelmed or fatigued.  But there are so many other ways of experiencing and expressing freedom . . .

Until you have faced various challenges in life that can help you define your own version of freedom you may find it unimportant or irrelevant to you.  If you consider that most souls these days have already passed through several energetic gates of trials and tribulations whether they are aware of it or not . . . DO YOU HAVE FREEDOM FROM:

FAMILY= no longer living to please them or provide for them
COMMUNITY= no longer feeling the urge to be their servant to survive
SOCIETY= no longer willing to just follow along because you should
HUMANITY= no longer limited by gender or race
DIVINITY= no longer afraid to love unconditonally

Are You Awake? Or Asleep?

The Dreamer Awakens

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a closer look at our inner levels of development with the intent to expand our awareness in a new direction.  It is easy to assume that because we are awake, that we are moving in a way that enhances our soul each step of the way.  Sometimes though, it is essential to look even closer at the various pieces of our soul puzzle and see how they fit.

For those remaining in the state of awareness where they are still asleep, it is easier to look at the world and say it is not up to me and I am not responsible for what happens.  For those who are recently awakened it would seem that they are in a minority group where it doesn’t matter how hard they try nothing seems to change in the bigger picture.

The most powerful levels of change that are now taking place are in the majority group of souls where they are able to hold a vision, participate in meditation and contribute to the transformation that is unfolding.  This is the point of critical mass where the new world begins to emerge from all the chaos.

From this place of focused intentions and intuition comes a new level of soul maturity where each one is able to take full responsibility for their actions and creations as they use conscious creation to contribute to the world of unconditional love.  This is where the entire planet will arrive when there is enough mature souls to inhabit it and love it back into balance.

MEDIOCRITY= no one truly cares or loves completely
MINORITY= a few begin to love conditionally
MAJORITY= the most of souls learning to love self & others
MATURITY= we arrive at the vibration of unconditional love