TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: – speaks of the energy that is distorted when we begin to loose the ability to trust.  When the heart is not trusted, followed or respected as the source of love in life, we instantly change our vibration to reflect that loss and the battle begins.

THOUGHTS – we begin to doubt, judge, criticize and reject what the heart wants and what it is trying to reveal to us in each moment, breath and heart beat.  This is very challenging pattern to break out of as the longer we stay in it, the further from the truth we get and the deeper into darkness we mentally descend.  Our thoughts become our enemy that we can on longer trust as we fight to make sense of life and what is happening in our reality and how we relate to it (or not).

FEELINGS – when we don’t trust them, begin to waver and expand and contract into overwhelmed or numbness that we cannot understand or follow in any direction that brings us through to a better place.  Our emotions become a punishment as we descend into victim mode and flounder around hoping to find a way out of this self imposed prison of despair.

For our season of mastery, we spend every waking moment in this battle of wits and wills to find our way through.  Many spend most of their days chasing after butterflies – (people, things, ideas and promises) that are made by others about finding the way out or the answers to the deep questions that torment us inside.  Every time we get close to a discovery – another butterfly goes by and we are off chasing it without even knowing why.

TRUST – is powerful when it is being followed with a strong sense of faith in the purpose and outcome of our life force.  It is devastating when our heart is broken and we break that trust connection and get lost in the wilderness of this unloving world we live in.  

THOUGHTS = the information and ideas that we have about who we are and why we are here on the planet today.  When we trust our heart knows the way, we have clear thoughts and a sense of direction based on ideas that we can see, experience and witness as loving or unloving.

FEELINGS = the intuition and insights we naturally have that are a form of modern day GPS giving us a sense of connection and direction that we must take based on how we feel about ourselves, and self in relation to others.  When we do not trust our feelings are there to guide us and ignore them or avoid them – we remain imprisoned in a world of grief and loss, feeling unloved and unworthy of love.

THE WAR OF THE AGES = humanities disconnection from the heart centre and how it is the source of our well being, our abundance, our sense of direction, our manifestation and reflection of what or who we trust.  Trust no one – including self . . . and the war goes on indefinitely until we are so exhausted we have nothing left to fight with.  Surrender will come at some point – by design or by default.  The war will end and we will be renewed and reconnected to the source of our creation that we can trust again – EARTH/HEART. 



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: teaches us about the importance of love and how having it in balance can greatly affect the overall quality of life.  Long before we are in search of the perfect partner we must first become the perfect partner within ourselves.  This does not mean a life without flaws, failures and fears . . . but one where we honour and respect what those qualities have to teach us and contribute to our level of wisdom.

Once we can embrace our own flaws, failures and fears as part of what makes us special and unique, our tolerance for others and their special blend of the same is so much richer. We tend to attract someone who will embody the same traits that we have but from the opposite side of the pendulum.  Where we are strong they will be weak and where we are weak they will be strong.  This helps us not only maintain our own sense of uniqueness, but to also assist our significant other to do the same. This requires compassion.

When we do not reflect our truth or our beliefs in an open hearted way, there will be a static energy between us and the outside world.  This static energy is a reminder that we are not being authentic or real in our expression of self.  The sparks will fly inevitably and we usually see this as a sign if incompatiblilty, when the truth is we are so much alike we have amplified, magnified and intensified our shared life lesson so we can’t miss it!

FLAWS= the cracks we have identifyed in our character or lifestyle
FAILURES= the outcomes of our lack of self worth or self esteem
FEARS= the reflections of ways we are unloving or unfair to ourself

Breaking Through The Veils

Break Through

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a moment in time where we break through the veils of illusion and see our true self in all its glory.  This is the blessing that comes after a long journey of self discovery, self distraction and destruction.  As we begin to fill in the lost memories of who we truly are, the truth becomes more real and calls to us from the depths of our soul to rise above all former beliefs or fears to fully awaken.

The veil of forgetfulness has been placed upon us as we descend into the earthly realms to search for the light in a very darkened place.  We spend most of our life in this search only to discover at the end of the challenge – we are the light we have been searching for.  We were sent into this dark and dense reality to bring the light and activate it at the very core of creation as  a new phase of evolution begins to clear all lower vibrational energies, beings and behaviours.

It truly is a test of our courage, strength, faith and devotion to the source of our creation.  To completely forget and then slowly awaken to the truth that is held deep within our heart and soul has taken many lifetimes.  The success of our mission is at hand and as we fulfill our own destiny to birth the light, we become the light we seek and light up this beautiful planet with a new purpose and sense of being.

DISCOVERY= the journey every soul takes to activate the light
DISTRACTION= all of the ways we forget or fear the truth
DESTRUCTION= a break down of illusions while igniting the light