TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  challenges us to embrace the idea that fear is the leading cause of unhappiness in our life, and that by giving into it, we allow the vibration of our shadow self to lead the way every day.

When we realize that FEAR is designed to give us keys and clues to healing our shadow self where the judgments of our imperfections are hidden, we will shift our perception and begin to face those fears – FEARLESSLY.  Think of fear as an INVITATION to reconnect or restore the inner balance of our soul as we bring back the broken and lost pieces of ourself that we simply THOUGHT were unlovable.

Facing our fears can be an EXCITING adventure as we begin to see them as precious parts of ourself that we have been denying, avoiding or judging in ways that kept us in the darkness in a state of unhappiness that is only a self made prison where we are the ones that hold the key!  Once you establish the idea as an exciting way to reunite your inner self, with your higher self, by embracing your lower self and all it’s outer expressions we will begin to change our life in miraculous ways – the game is on and karma is complete!

These adventures will begin to build our confidence back up and our sense of self worth, self acceptance, self reliance and self love will nurture you back to full balance and a state of grace that will be well worth the effort.  This is a DELIGHTFUL process where we restore our own soul back to its original light body self with all of our gifts and abilities activated at a new level.  Empowerment is born of accepting we are loved, loveable and loving beings because we were born that way and it can never be lost or broken forever . . .

INVITING= the inner voice of our soul longing to be whole
EXCITING= the shift of perception from fear & judgment to acceptance
DELIGHTING= the feeling you get when you know who you are




Well ~ Wellness ~ Wellbeing ~ Wealth

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to allow the very essence of the Divine to pour into and through our being with an endless flow of health and vitality.  The source of our supply is being increased to accommodate all of the prayers and desires being put forth into the collective.  We are being shown that there are no longer any reasons for limitation to hold us back, or keep us from our hearts dreams and purpose.

As the abundant flow of the essence of life moves into our crown, it then gently flows down through each of the chakras and fills them like a pool of endless love and vitality.  It is up to us to allow that energy to radiate inward,  outward and around us.  This increase of cosmic light and abundant radiance can clear any and all former illusionary limitations, imbalances, fears, judgements, worry or sense of lack.  The more you fill your well of wellbeing, the more you will experience the expansion of love and light in your life that reflects wealth and wellness.

Take a few moments and just breathe in the idea, expand it into a full breath of acceptance, and then breathe out any resistance or reluctance that might keep it from happening.  It is as simple as we allow it to be, and yet as profound as it is meant to be . . . breathe in . . . breathe out . . . and so it  begins.

WELL= the vessel we call our energetic body that is dimensional
WELLBEING= the state of grace we find when we love ourselves fully
WELLNESS= the physical expression of our inner beliefs and state of mind
WEALTH= the overall fulfillment of our souls ability to fully love and share love


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  Our thoughts and intentions initiate the ideas we hold in our perception and reflect them into our vibrational realm to experience as life challenges.  This is called action or direction.

Our feelings and emotions initiate a vibration that either aligns to our beliefs, or shifts our focus away from them in a different direction.  This is called reaction or distraction.

Our thoughts originate from the conscious vibrational realms where we align ourselves to whatever reality we choose to believe in.  Faith will align itself to any level of this realm to support your conscious belief system.

Our feelings originate from the subconscious vibrational realms where we relate them to the past and how we have reacted before.  Fear will align itself to any level of this realm to support your subconscious reactors. Consciously shifting our feelings can change everything.

Moving the vibration to a higher place means we must become the observer of our own actions and reactions by using our wisdom and will, to elevate it during a breath we will call the PAUSE button.  This pause moment is a place where we can reset our belief system and ultimately our reactions to that reset is uplifting, encouraging and inspiring.

When we learn to consciously choose the direction we are intending to move, our feelings settle down and begin to trust the process of vibrating at a higher level which supports our being in balance on all levels.  Thoughts, Feelings, Intentions and Perceptions begin to work together to support this new state of being called GRACE.

THOUGHTS= higher state of awareness that creates clairty of collective
FEELINGS= Lower state of awareness that creates compassion for self & others
INTENTIONS= Inner state of awareness that creates new direction of growth
PERCEPTIONS= Outer state of awareness that creates higher vision of truth