TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares some insights into our mastery level game of life.  The vibrational field that our journey is played in can be called an illusion, but while we are in it and experiencing it – the reality seems very convincing.

We have learned to play the game of karma on various plains of existence.  The human version is made up of layers of circles and seasons all blended together to create an orb of light known as our embodiment.  When you look at this from a galactic point of view, it looks a lot like a planet would.  The Masters call this ENERGY PIE, where we ‘OCCU‘PIE’ our portion of creation and share the experience through our thoughts and feelings being expressed in our relationships.  This is a perspective of observation and participation coming together to manifest new levels of awareness for the collective.

‘OCCU’ means to see, and ‘PIE’ means to portion out in smaller segments that we nourish our soul with and grow gradually towards a greater level of awareness and eventually a full awakening to the sum of the whole.

The greatest challenge for a human soul is learn to willingly share their pie with others, without giving it all away, or not sharing it enough.  This is how we find balance an asset that ensures us a happier journey and soul experience.  An example would be – if we are excessively protective or responsible, then those who share our energy pie will be inclined to be irresponsible and reckless with our relationship.  In soul connections, we do tend to find someone that is our polar opposite so we can begin the dance of finding balance within our relationship by observing what we contribute to the pie, and what we allow ourselves to receive from the pie.  The art of balance in a soul can take lifetimes!

What portion of these layers to you ‘OCCUPY’ ?

ENERGY PIE= how we contribute to everything (too much, too little, ahhh just right)
SYNERGY PIE= how we respect the timing of everything (without force or expectations)
SYMMETRY PIE= how we align ourselves to balance everything (conscious creation)