Happy Easter Blessings

Rebirth Of A Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: lifts the light of creation to shine upon each and every soul that inhabits the Earth.  May this day reflect the love and joy and radiance of a new beginning with a sense of Oneness and Awe.  We are on an amazing journey to the place where we can enjoy the fruits of our labours, and the benefits of our creative powers.

Take time today to be grateful and thankful for the simple things that make your life worthwhile.  Enjoy the moment to moment wonders of nature as she awakens in the Northern Hemisphere, and begins the process of slumber in the South.  It is all in harmony and balance with the destiny we share as one Human family of light.

SUNRISE= a new  beginning of endless possibilities
SUNLIGHT= an energy of life and love that creates all things
SUNSET= a time of reflecting on the blessings & benefits of life

The Shadow & The Light

The Infinite Journey


The Shadow Self

The place between the dark and light
That we would call day or night
The space between the rising sun
And where it sets when the day is done
A place where we begin to merge
As our energies fade or sometimes surge
The intimate place where shadows dwell
That soulful time between heaven and hell
A time when we all can learn to dance
Through the veils of time in a spiritual trance
Where all forms of life are cast in stone
And the human heart feels so alone
The dance begins to awaken the soul
And our hearts align to sum of the whole
Then the shadow self steps out in the light
And our wisdom awakens the true insight
The shadow fades and soul expands
As we journey home to sacred lands
The place where love embraces us all
And we forget the graceful fall
Our time has come to all return
And share the blessings of what we learned
The shadow and the light are one
They are reflected from the eternal sun
It is where our male and female unite
As the inner child whispers good night.

                      by Donna Hamilton 11.19.13