Emotional High Tide Today

Emotional ChildTODAY’S LIFE LESSON: comforts us in a time when our emotions are running high and our sense of direction may be at an all time low.  These two different energies are in a place of conflict within your soul as long as you are not allowing them to simply flow through you.

The most powerful way to deal with the intense times we are experiencing is to learn to take deeper  breaths between our constant reactions.  The still point of any change of tide direction allows us to relax and trust that even though the illusion is that things are not where they are supposed to be, we can allow them to be what they are designed to be.

As the emotional tide from within your soul is finding a new level of awareness and acceptance of self there will be moments where you feel lost at sea or tossed overboard in an endless storm of events going on around you.  The key to calmness is to let the waves carry you forward without the need to struggle.  Learning to bob along on the surface without being pulled down in the rip tide is a better way to weather the storm.

TIDE= the ebb and flow of the ocean of emotion within us
TIDAL WAVE= the powerful force that challenges us to let go and go higher
RISING TIDE= the inner power of the soul that is building momentum now


Removing The Armour

Remove The Armor


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to consider that it may be time to remove the armour and get on with the AMOURE that is bursting forth from within our hearts.  When we have our hearts shielded, protected, blocked or otherwise unavailable to experience life through, we are in a state of unconsciousness.

Although most who have dedicated their lives to living a new way, or to be more open and honest with themselves and others would tend to say their heart is open . . . if there are still moments of deep sadness, defensiveness or distress then the answer would be maybe not.  We tend to think that some form of protection is the best way to make sure we are not getting hurt or harmed.  The fact is by setting something up between the universal flow of love and light and your inner divine light only causes confusion.

There is no greater power than love.  Love does not need defending or protecting, it simply needs the unconditional flow of your willingness to allow it.  At first the feelings of vulnerability will rise up and challenge you to trust this is true.  Your fear of being mistreated or misunderstood will swirl around in your energy field looking for excuses or reasons to doubt this truth.  But in the end trust – the truth is love will always prevail.

HEART= the inner domain of Source Energy
HURT= the illusion that we are not safe or secure if we love whole heartedly
HEAL= the reconstruction of your heart and hurt through unconditional love

Consciously Creating Love

Inner Alchemy


When we think kind, fair, & truthful thoughts, our feelings respond with trust faith & belief.

Thinking unkind, unfair, untrue thoughts, our feelings respond with doubt fear & worry.

The challenge comes when we choose to ignore our source of information and deny how we feel about it.  This leads to further experiences where we are simply repeating the past and limiting our future to more of the same.

When our energy focus is occupied in the past with guilt, shame and blame, we end up reflecting it into our future without consciously understanding why our life is so difficult.

To embrace the now moment is the only way to shift our reality to a better one.  One where we are focused on what we choose to think about and how we choose to feel about ourselves in our current circumstances. Doing your best is always enough without the expectation of perfection as a standard to achieve.

DIVINE LOVE= the full acceptance of all that is as being loveable no matter what
CONDITIONAL LOVE = the stories and excuses we use to justify our unhappiness
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE = the expansion of our ability to love self and others to the fullest extent of our willingness to allow it.