What Dimensional Version Are You Living In?

The Matrix



As Source loves to enhance my awarenesses with information and correlations to what I have been thinking and going through, this latest one was a real revelation!

You can see these changes in the Technical, Logical, Emotional way, or in a Dimensional way, or the Spiritual way, but ultimately it is in every way true. What a journey we have been on.

Human 1.0 =  focusing on self preservation with high levels of aggression/passion for survival. Some would identify this as Primitive Man. Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten and the need for killing and conquering is the focus.

Human 2.0 = recognizing the importance of relationships and having a significant partner that can make life easier by sharing the work and daily challenges of living. Possessions become important initially as people and then as property that must be protected at all costs.  Battles and wars are fought to meet this desire for power outside of self.

Human 3..0 = awareness of a greater power that is actively present within the self and feeling the need to improve ones conditions or situations by respecting others. This version is a provider for family and community who serves and protects with dedication and devotion to making a difference by representing their limited and often rigid beliefs.

Human 4.0 = awakening to the greater picture of life and its true meaning.  A need to compete and compare self to others in order to get a sense of value and purpose in relation to social status and standing. The desire to participate in sports and competitions creates an unrealistic measurement of man and woman that cannot be attained and therefore brings struggle.

Human 5.0 = allowing the self to be guided by source from within.  The focus is on surrendering all the old beliefs and burdens that have caused heartache and hardship to a soul who now recognizes it has been manifesting these things to learn from.  The ability to consciously create comes from a deep well of wisdom acquired throughout the metaphysical journey and evolution of each soul.  Letting go of the old ways and embracing the new reality heralds in the new version of life on this planet called Heaven on Earth.

The Trance Dance

Trance Send Dance

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: quietly whispers in our spiritual ears that it is time to awaken from our trance dance.  This is the level of awareness where our inner connection to the truth in all things resides.  Our hearts are imprinted with the map and the directions for our soul to follow when the end of our karmic journey is at hand.

This allows us to see clearly through the illusions and confusions of our past and bring a new level of clarity into the now moment.  To fully embody this transformation, we must first acknowledge that we have learned everything our soul has requested and has been virtually tested in every way.  This is the time when still point brings you out of the illusion in into the present.

Using the breath and following it in and out of our mortal body, will allow you to make quantum leaps from the old way into the new way of being.  This reveals within us the old patterns, programs and paradigms that are being replaced with the vibrational match of the new world we are creating.  It can feel overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.  Do no confuse the chaos of change for a loss of direction.  Remember and trust that your heart KNOWS the way and your soul FEELS the call from within to let it happen.

PATTERNS= the repetitious pathways we have been moving along that are familiar
PROGRAMS= the belief systems we have adopted to learn from and through
PARADIGMS= the variations to our patterns and programs that we have completed

Keep Your Eyes On The Skies

Sun Sation

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to watch the world from a greater perspective as our visions of clarity begin to broaden beyond the horizon.  With every day there is a newness and a freshness that comes with the early morning sunrise and ends with the late day sunset.  This is the alpha and omega that we must learn to live within.

Each day is a new day to explore and experience whatever we choose to.  We are free to explore the vastness of the world we live in with the freedom to make choices to contribute what we feel we are willing to offer.  We can contribute love and light, or judgment and fear.  Both are possible to learn from, but the overall outcome of the day will feel vastly different if we invest ourselves wisely and lovingly.  Be the beacon of light that you have been looking for.

SUNRISE= the opportunity to do something amazing with your life
SUNSHINE= the endless energy of love and light to sustain you
SUNSET= the completion or conclusion of what you chose to create today