Feathers are like feelings . . . they help us learn to fly!

Native Blessing

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: feathers are like feelings . . . they help us learn to fly! Our emotional body is designed to elevate our soul to places that help us expand our awareness, and develop our soul skills.  The base nature of our humanness is built on the concept of thought creating an inner reaction which we have recognized as feelings.  These feelings are our inner GPS that helps us follow our thought, fear our thought, judge our thought, ignore our thought or deny our thought and move on to the next one.

As thoughts come through our awareness centre, we instinctively have a reaction to it that tells us if it is worth following.  Our feelings are designed to give us bio feedback from the core of self which aligns or rejects the idea right from the beginning.  If we need to convince ourselves to follow, chances are it will not work out well.  If we have a tendency to doubt our thoughts, they will rarely manifest something that will last and usually falls apart as quickly as it came.  A good strong confident feeling helps us conquer anything we set our mind to.

We have endless thoughts that pass through every second of every day – however, we only have 4 feelings that respond to them:  mad, sad, bad, glad.  Depending on which feeling we choose, and what direction we end up taking, our creations directly reflect what we select!

Here is how the process of creating works for us:

THOUGHT= an idea we receive from source
FEELING= a reaction we get from soul self
REACTION= a feeling we choose to follow
REJECTION= the denial of our thought + feeling
ACTION= the result of our thought + feeling
CREATION= what we manifest for ourselves to learn from

Closing The Great Divide



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares some insights into the current energetic wave of love that is moving through our world.  We are in the position now to begin to work towards closing the great divide.  That divine gap, between genders, races, religions, governments and powers is beginning to close.

It is time to reach out and touch the light in each soul with a love that is forgiving, patient, tolerant and kind.  As we become like children in the very essence of our being, we remember to see the best in everything, the opportunities for peace in all things, and the desire to live in harmony with all things.  This is the time in our human history, where we must allow the inner child to lead us to victory.  To listen to the cry of our own soul as it pleads with us to surrender all judgements and fears and learn to love again.

The moment our shadow self and soul self connect with the intent to forgive and not relive the past – we are free to be our true self without resentment, regrets or the need to reject each other any longer.  The embrace of these two sides of self will signal the beginning of a new era of peace on earth.

SHADOW SELF= the darkness of our forgotten love
SOUL SELF= the inner compass that guides us home
SACRED SELF= the connection to all things created
SPIRIT SELF= the embrace of all things being equal
SOURCE SELF= the essence & energy of who we are


The Light Within

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: embraces the concept that the earth is a place of great opportunity to manifest a whole new reality that is vibrationally aligned to the elements of peace.  The process of discovery and learning through the darkness that has been shadowing the greatness of love and light has simply given each of our a place to hide while we evolved and expanded.

The encoded message within the EARTH experience, is HEART.  Same letters – deeper meaning for the soul to discover.  Within each soul there is a place where the elements of love reside along with all of the blueprints of the original creation of life that regards love as the most precious of all states of grace.  To awaken to this realization, humanity has been on a very long journey in the opposite direction thinking that somehow love was lost or condemned to be controlled my the darkness.  Nothing could be further from the truth!

At the very core of every heart is the source of creation – source energy – source power to create and manifest whatever is required or desired.  The light of that power is now radiating outward and calling upon each soul to lay down the judgement and fear of who you are and what is to come, to stand in the light of HERE I AM.

That tiny spark of light is positioned to ignite the light and bring love into this world by declaring PEACE BE WITH YOU, AND WITHIN YOU.  That is how the universe expands.  Send the light into the darkness and create a way to light it up.

DARKNESS= the unconscious state of love called judgment & fear
SHADOW= the conscious state of love challenging us to grow
LIGHT= the superconscious state of love illuminating the world