Feathers are like feelings . . . they help us learn to fly!

Native Blessing

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: feathers are like feelings . . . they help us learn to fly! Our emotional body is designed to elevate our soul to places that help us expand our awareness, and develop our soul skills.  The base nature of our humanness is built on the concept of thought creating an inner reaction which we have recognized as feelings.  These feelings are our inner GPS that helps us follow our thought, fear our thought, judge our thought, ignore our thought or deny our thought and move on to the next one.

As thoughts come through our awareness centre, we instinctively have a reaction to it that tells us if it is worth following.  Our feelings are designed to give us bio feedback from the core of self which aligns or rejects the idea right from the beginning.  If we need to convince ourselves to follow, chances are it will not work out well.  If we have a tendency to doubt our thoughts, they will rarely manifest something that will last and usually falls apart as quickly as it came.  A good strong confident feeling helps us conquer anything we set our mind to.

We have endless thoughts that pass through every second of every day – however, we only have 4 feelings that respond to them:  mad, sad, bad, glad.  Depending on which feeling we choose, and what direction we end up taking, our creations directly reflect what we select!

Here is how the process of creating works for us:

THOUGHT= an idea we receive from source
FEELING= a reaction we get from soul self
REACTION= a feeling we choose to follow
REJECTION= the denial of our thought + feeling
ACTION= the result of our thought + feeling
CREATION= what we manifest for ourselves to learn from

Addiction Programming & Patterning Creating A Gap Within My Soul

Enlightened Self

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a lot of understanding on how we create and maintain our addictive behaviour and chronic conditions.

DENY= resenting the truth and what it really means at soul level
DEFY= resisting the truth about what I think and how I feel
PASIFY= relinquishing the truth for the sake of self or others
INTENSIFY= repeating a belief or fear until it cannot be ignored or denied
IDENTIFY= relating to my environment in a an honest and truthful way
DEIFY= redirecting self power by making something or someone else more important and significant than myself
REDEFY= reflecting a thought and feeling that is manifesting through judgement or fear onto others instead of owning it myself
JUSTIFY= resisting ownership of a truth or belief that is being hidden inside my reasons and excuses

Discovery of these qualities within myself will assist in the process of letting go of the need to use reflections to learn from.  Once I take full responsibility and ownership of my own thoughts and feelings, the answers to my deepest programs and patterns begins to surface in a way I can understand and comprehend.

Once all of the reflections and rejections are unmasked, my soul can then see more clearly what is being learned and embrace it as a gift of wisdom.  From this place of making peace within my soul, there is a release of judgment and fear and a sense of freedom begins to expand from within my heart centre.

The true identity of my soul can only be revealed when it is time to complete the research and accept the rewards that come with it – enlightenment of my soul and a full reunion with conscious creation.

Wild Horses Could Not Tear Us Apart

Soul Reunion

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: ushers in a new level of energy that compels us to unite the inner male and female in a way that reflects the level of love we are seeking.  This union is based on the full acceptance of self on all levels.  The marriage of the male and female self is one of the most sacred moments in the journey of a soul.

The idea of being so fully committed to your inner knowing to the degree that it feels divine is the ultimate goal of bringing in the new reality.  To allow self to be so loved and adored that it doesn’t matter what happens from that moment on there is a great sense of love and adoration that celebrates creation in a wholesome new way.

Love on this level is the epitome of unconditional love.  It does not matter what happened from this time on a soul can accept and allow the beauty of creation to be expressed in any way it chooses without feeling incomplete.  The adventures take on a more pleasant level of seeking to fulfill ones one dreams and desires without the presence of judgement and fear.  The need for greed is gone and the game of compete and compare no longer appeals to anyone.  The diversity of a soul can flourish in this energy and develop a higher awareness of love and expand it further into the universal flow of the divine.

REUNION= the coming together of male & female at soul level
UNION= the reconnection to the source of universal divine within
UNITED= the collective energy of sacred souls as one light & love