Blue Moon Alignment

Blue Moon Alignment
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a revelation of essence and energy merging together into one whole light.  This phase of the moon is announcing the final stages of our inner being aligning itself to the source of creation in a whole new way.

When we are fully aligned to our truth, the reality of how we are living our life and sharing the journey with others opens our eyes to a greater awareness of love.  We are expanding our capacity to love beginning with self love and radiating out from there like a personal pebble in the cosmic pond of light.  We are radiant beings when fully activated.

CROWN CHAKRA=  female aligns perception to seeing the truth, male aligns intentions to being  truthful
THROAT CHAKRA= female aligns to hearing the truth, male aligns to speaking the truth
HEART CHAKRA= female aligns self love truth,, male aligns to truth about loving others
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA= female aligns to accepting her true feelings, male aligns to acknowledging others true feelings
SACRUM CHAKRA= female aligns to manifesting true passion, male aligns to true purpose
ROOT CHAKRA= female aligns to facing truth fearlessly, male aligns to truly free

Source & Self

Self Esteem

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to focus on the real sense of self that lies within our soul.  This inner essence of who we are is in a state of constant change and evolutionary growth.  We are always being guided, directed and inspired from the deepest part of our heart and source of light.

Each moment that we are breathing in our human experience, we are making choices and decisions upon which we will choose to follow or deny.  The more often we follow our hearts guidance, the more direct our energies will be in aligning us to our true purpose.  The more we ignore that inner voice, the longer it takes us to discover the reality we are meant to live.  It is a process of choose and follow or deny and flounder around until we are willing to live authentically.

The heart messages come with a feeling of being encouraged and uplifted like butterflies or energy bubbles inside.  This can be mistaken for fear sometimes as we hesitate to trust and believe that we are being helped or healed in some way.  The head will try to step in and quantify or qualify the information you are receiving.  This delay or hesitation can be enough to distract you from the next step you would normally take.

INNER GUIDANCE= the voice of source within
INNER VOICE= a message that sounds like your own voice
INNER FEELING= the essence of divine mother speaking through you
INNER FAITH= the energy of divine father encouraging you to keep going


Setting Myself Free

Set Me Free

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires me to consider all of the things that are supposed to be bad for me.  When all of the fears, judgments, environmental issues, food warnings, health conditions and global unrest is energetically brought together into one moment . . . where is life meant to be lived?

So the soul within us has a choice in every moment and every breath, within each and every heart beat . . . believe or perceive which reality I choose to live in.  In the face of living with all of the limitations that are present in our changing world, is it really living at all?

The decision must be made with passion and finality.  I will live until I die to this world and transition on to the next, or I will give up my hopes and dreams and desires to the illusions of fear that my life is constantly in danger and not really live at all.  No longer can we stand with our feet apart with one on each side of the great divide.  A place must be chosen to allow ourselves to fully experience what we hold as sacred and true within our hearts.  Believe or don’t believe, but live it fully and passionately with all your heart.

I am no longer going to be afraid of death or destruction as a consequence for living.
I will not be afraid to live the way my heart desires and deserves.
I choose life abundantly and gregariously from this moment on.

LIVE=  the choice to experience living on earth with all your heart
LIFE= the energy force within each soul that inspires it to create and manifest
LIVE= the be in the now experience – this is not a dress rehearsal – be fully a-live