What Chapter Are You Living In?

My Story

TODAY’ LIFE LESSON: shares an intimate story about life and how we live it.  There are various versions of our story that we hold onto that create a challenging life for ourselves and those that we love.  The past is designed to tell his-tory where we remember the details of what happened to us and how it affected us.  In order to move on and grow past these events, we must delve into the current way we feel about the past.

That would be her-story that continues to hold onto the past by reliving the feelings and emotions that our experience created.  These feelings are very demanding in the way they require us to explain, excuse or justify ourselves to the world we live in.  Letting go of these intense feelings can take a lot of courage but in the end it is what sets us free to carry on and grow up.

Then there is the unresolved mys-teries where we are not sure where it all began, what really happened, or even if it was the way remembered it or not.  Sometimes when we constantly review the past, we alter it to accommodate what we thought it meant, or what we needed it to be to support our judgments and fears.  The further we get from the truth, the deeper we go into denial.

HIS-STORY= memories of the past that hold us prisoner
HER-STORY= feelings from the pst that keep us limited
MY-STORY= mysterious truths that must be discovered to complete the lesson


Honour Traditions

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes us gently by the hand and walks us down the path of joy and happiness.  This pathway is the least traveled by most souls these days as it is one that seems too far away to relate to.  Each step that we take is designed to reflect the thoughts and feelings we are having that create our current reality. Learn to listen to your own heart like the beat of a drum that calls you into being happy with who you are, right here, right now.

Right foot forward – thought creates opportunity and direction that you are choosing to take.  This sends out a signal to the universe of how we want to live right here.
Left foot forward – reflects how you feel about that thought and how it inspires you or affects your desires to follow your heart.  When we ignore our heart – we hurt or hate.

Most times lately we seem to be in a place of discontent and compare what our heart knows to be true with the actual life we are living.  There is plenty of confusion and conflict within our own life and certainly within the world we view.  It is time to return to what the heart knows as the truth of how mankind is meant to evolve.  A time of happiness is here to be discovered but it is not DOWN the path waiting for you to arrive, it is ON the path with you right now.

HAPPINESS= a pure sense of joy that comes with simply breathing and being
HAPPENING= the moment to moment opportunity to experience real happiness
HERE= our current state of being and place of existence that is always present – the present.

What Is Freedom To You?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks a very powerful, personal question of each and every soul who has been making changes and evolving these days.  What does freedom mean to you?  There are many forms of freedom that we can all relate to, but it is the personal ones that make us unique and different that are forming a new level of awareness these days.

Some would say that freedom is directly connected to finances and the ability to afford living their dreams and desires without sacrificing what they have saved.  Others might say that freedom is a feeling that comes when you have let go of all of the clutter and non-sense things in your life that have made you feel overwhelmed or fatigued.  But there are so many other ways of experiencing and expressing freedom . . .

Until you have faced various challenges in life that can help you define your own version of freedom you may find it unimportant or irrelevant to you.  If you consider that most souls these days have already passed through several energetic gates of trials and tribulations whether they are aware of it or not . . . DO YOU HAVE FREEDOM FROM:

FAMILY= no longer living to please them or provide for them
COMMUNITY= no longer feeling the urge to be their servant to survive
SOCIETY= no longer willing to just follow along because you should
HUMANITY= no longer limited by gender or race
DIVINITY= no longer afraid to love unconditonally