TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – is a message about the vast changes and transformation that is taking place on our planet right now. There are so many different ideas being shared and speculated on that the mental capacity if the human mind is becoming overwhelmed. This is a time where clarity and discernment are the most valuable assets a soul can have to find the truth hidden amoungst the illusions and lies.

The only true vision a soul can work with is the one that is held within your heart. If you have been doing your own personal soul work, then you know the purpose of the heart is to guide and direct us through the maze of life by helping us follow the feelings that bring happiness, hope and healing for us as individuals and ultimately for humanity as a whole.

We have plenty of ‘thoughts’ that float through our minds in a day, and they are instantly responded to by our ‘feelings’. When this is REFLECTED internally as a ‘good’ feeling that could be described as faith, we are more inclined to react to it by following or considering what it is offering us in the way of guidance. When it is REFLECTED in a ‘bad’ way or fear, we go into survival reaction and shut down, put up a wall and turn off our guidance system through the presence of fear.

Our outer world is a direct REFLECTION of our inner world. When we look around and see beauty, order, peace and creative inspiration that feels good – it enhances our hearts light and it REFLECTS more of that feeling internally, and then externally . . . we create our own reality that way.

The light of creation beams into our body through our crown chakra and then travels throughout our body and being where the meridian lines are open and the energy centres or chakras are clear. When they are not due to our current state of wellness/illness challenges, the light is then REFRACTED into a denser form of energy that can be painful, hurtful or stagnant in areas where we tend to experience illness or issues. The longer this is present, the more our life force diminishes.

We are designed to shine like a diamond – and reflect the light of creation internally and externally with equal passion and presence.

REFLECTION= the visual reality we project internally and externally based on our level of acceptance/rejection.
REACTION= the emotional reality we create with our responses through faith or fear that determine our state of wellness/illness.
REFRACTION= the action we inevitably share based on how open and active our internal being is and what level of alignment we allow through our will/worry.



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to utilize our energy in a more proficient and powerful way.  As we experience life lessons, they accumulate energy on all levels that contribute to our state of being.  We are the result of that in the form of stagnation or extreme tension as it continues to build a wave of depleted or excessive life force.  The art of balance comes through our ability to sort through our ‘stuff’ and repurpose it in the best way possible.

As we  have learned the value of recycling – it gives new life and new purpose to things we no longer need or want.  This can also work for our thoughts, feelings, memories, traumas and injuries.  They were once a valuable part of teaching us about energy/synergy and how we reflect that into our world through our own soul reflection.

It is time to consider that we can repurpose our ‘stuff’ by consciously focusing on sending it back to the source of creation for an updated or upgraded version of what we would rather have in our life.  It is a simple as that.  Envision it being sent back through the vibrational door it came through!

MENTAL= imagine sending your unloving thoughts back in exchange for loving ones
EMOTIONAL= envision returning hurtful feelings back in exchange for happy ones
PHYSICAL= send your pain or illness back in exchange for healthy vitality.
SPIRITUAL= allow your soul to release old karma in exchange for enlightenment

The Colours Of Our Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a closer look at the colours of our soul and what it means as a being of light.  We are composed of the full spectrum of light which when broken down becomes the rays of the rainbow.  Within each of us there are the individual colour centres known as chakras.  Within these energy centres, there is a point of balance where the masculine and feminine energies align together as one.

When our thoughts (masculine) and our feelings (feminine) are not in alignment with each other, we are in a state of imbalance which is reflected through judgement and fear. This is simply a way of recognizing there is an imbalance present.  It is not a failure, or defeated state that cannot be cleared or healed in the blink of an eye.  Balance is truly simple when you understand what it represents and how it can be reflected through us and to us from our inner and outer environments.

ROOT CHAKRA RED= the balance of faith & forgiveness
SACRAL CHAKRA ORANGE= the balance of creation & recreation
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA YELLOW= the balance of self & source
HEART CHAKRA GREEN= the balance of passion & compassion
THROAT CHAKRA BLUE= the balance of expression & communication
THIRD EYE CHAKRA INDIGO= the balance of impression & perception
CROWN CHAKRA PURPLE= the balance of humanity & divinity