Could You Face Your Enemy & Lay Down YOUR Weapons?

The Strategist Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: When we consider that there really isn’t any difference between those who live in the light and those who choose to live in the shadows it becomes vitally important to begin opening our hearts to each other.  Love dwells in both places – it does not disappear because we choose to experience something that is unloving.  It is still love learning more about life and the expansion of compassion.

The day will come when the front line of our warriors who still choose to challenge each other for dominance and power, will stand before each other and lay down their weapons. They will choose because their heart has expanded far enough to realize that what they face across the gap between light and dark is the same love that we are all created out of.

In that moment, the power of love will establish a new level of integrity, prosperity and diversity that will elevate the entire planet to the next level of evolution.  Each of us are responsible for allowing that moment to unfold in whatever way it is shown to us.  No one has the right to tell you or force you into this moment.  It is a sacred moment, born of a spiritual journey that will transform the future of our human race.

Can you envision laying down your judgements, fears and weapons and standing strong with the conviction that love is more powerful than any weapon of destruction?  That is our purpose right now – to achieve this.

SHADOW= the place where we discover hurtful/hateful love
LIGHT= the state where we create unconditional love
SURRENDER= the moment we understand the difference

FAMILY~FRIENDS~FOES – who needs your love?

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TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider all of the people we have made our life journey with, and how they have played significant roles in our personal development.  Some will have been an encouragement, some would be a discouragement, but each and every one did it from a place of love and support.

We tend to think that we must keep everyone in our circle of experience happy with us in order to appreciate them being family or friends.  We learn just as much from the ones that are in conflict with us as we do the ones that compliment us.  At this time in our sacred journey, there is a shake up going on that will literally have all of the leaves falling off your family tree, your friends will want to walk away for reasons unknown and complete strangers will have strong opinions about you in moments that are hurtful.

The challenge is – are you willing to allow yourself to accept that you are ok with all of that by remaining calm, compassionate and understanding in the midst of all the chaos?  The only one that you can truly work with is yourself.  Self is the key to finding everlasting peace and self love that eventually will be exchanged with those that have also been through the test and found a new sense of independence born of unconditional love.

FAMILY= the ones you were born to love
FRIENDS= the ones you chose to love
FOES= the ones you need to love – who need your love the most.