Sacrifice Or Service?

Reserection Of The Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an intimate look at our souls purpose and how we are given the opportunity to serve in so many ways.  It is not a time for loosing hope or faith in how we live our lives and how the world is unfolding.  We must hold onto the kind of faith that is unshakable and unbreakable in the eyes of our own soul.

For those who have been in service for many lifetimes, it would appear that there is no room for your love and light to embrace the darkness that this world is living in.  To truly fulfill our soul’s purpose, we must learn to accept, acknowledge and allow the darkness that is so prevalent to complete its cycle of destruction. This is not a time of sacrifice, but a time of celebration.  All will be restored to its perfection in its own time.

There is no need to feel you are anything less than perfect as you observe in others what you have grown to recognize and understand as part of the human experience and life lessons.  Within the depts of that very same darkness, lies the shadow of a new life, with new light and a new world that has seeded within its core the very light of creation.

ACCEPT= the ability to embrace all phases as part of the journey
ACKNOWLEDGE= the respect each soul deserves for the role they play
ALLOW= the art of letting go and moving on instead of holding on

How Our Soul Leaves It’s Mark Everywhere We Go



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are constantly leaving a trail of evidence that we exist here on planet earth.  On so many levels, we are being recorded and remembered by the very energy field we inhabit.  It can be as simple as the things we physically touch, to the path we continually tread, to the overall energetic impression we leave in the wake of our breath.

As we realize more deeply how profound our journey is, we begin to be more heartful and mindful about the intentions we use to manifest our daily lives.  To be remembered for our great deeds and loving kindness is so much more benevolent that leaving monuments of touchable, tangible stuff.

How do you want to be remembered when your time here is done?  What legacy would you prefer to leave to those who carry on your genetic lineage of light?  When you make those choices to rise above the challenges you have lived through and create a better world than when you arrived – it is a sacred journey.  One that few may remember, but many will benefit from.

FINGER PRINT=personality
FOOT PRINT=  humanity
BLUEPRINT= divinity


The Matrix

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the current transformational energies and vibrations that are shaking up our world.  We are experiencing a cosmic shakedown like never before.  It is up to us to allow the flow of energy to access our divine blueprint and to reprogram our consciousness so that it aligns to the new paradigm.

From what seems like hopeless days of chaos and distress, will come a time of extraordinary peace and harmony.  The fact that we cannot see it yet, does not mean it doesn’t exist, it just means we are not aligned to it fully YET.  Give yourself permission to just let go and let it flow and see what happens.  This is a time of surrender and renewal that will make all of the former experiences seem worthwhile.

EXTERNAL= thoughts and ideas
INTERNAL= feelings and emotions
PATERNAL= information and intention
MATERNAL= nature and nurture
ETERNAL= mastery and majesty