TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes us on an inner journey where all things deeply divine are held in a sacred space.  Our heart is the source of great wisdom and wonder that can help us discover the truth about ourselves and how we are designed to create and manifest our dreams and desires.

As the universe is now shifting to a higher vibrational range of light and love, we are being shown that some of what we have been holding onto or defending and protecting needs to be transformed.  We cannot take our baggage with us through the veils of plasma that are designed to filter out our old reality at every level.

So in order to make the transition through those plasmic veils, we must be willing to allow our physical, mental and emotional bodies to be cleared, cleansed and cleaned to accommodate the shift. With a lightness of mind, body and spirit, we can enter into this new reality with effortless joy and endless wisdom.

CLEARED= release all judgements that hold us captive within our minds & memories
CLEANSED= release all emotions that affect our bodily functions and flow
CLEANED= release all fears that limit us from enjoying and engaging in life’s blessings

Shifting Your Mood Easily

Ask & It Is Given

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a very easy way to shift our mood when we feel it sliding down the vibrational path to sadness or sorrow.  It is just as easy to move ourselves back up the scale when given the blessing of sound and vibration combined with a vision.

Using the simple sound of ‘awe’, allow yourself to fully embrace the sadness and sorrow within it as if your best friend just walked away, or your puppy was hurt.  This hurtful resonance of despair lies deep within each of us, and will seek to gain our attention at times when life is challenging or disappointing.  Say it with me now – AWWWE.

Then begin to move the sound of awe up a notch – like you are only disappointed in something or someone (perhaps even yourself).  It is not as heavy or lonely, but still expresses a part of you that may be hidden.  Awe – I am disappointed . . .

Now move up a level and say awe as if you just discovered you made a mistake and would like to take back something you said or did.  It was an accident – I didn’t mean to, I am so sorry.  Awe – please forgive me.  Hear the change in tone and feel the shift in energy.

Moving on up – awe – I just discovered or realized something and it is important.  I am in a place of understanding something that has been puzzling me – ohh – that’s what is going on, that makes more sense to me and the sound is morphing into ohhh instead of awe.  Keep saying it until you feel the shift  . . .

By now you will begin to feel a vibrational energy that is rising quickly and moving through you creating tingles, shivers or waves of delight.  This is the joyful use of awe-ohhh changing your vibration to joy and happiness . . . keep saying it until you let the energy of joy burst into bliss . . . awe . . . . . ohhh . . . . wow . . . see how far you can allow the vibration to rise within your heart and soul.  Warning – this can be orgasmic!

AWE= sadness, sorrow, surrender
OH= hopeful, helpful, healing
WOW= uplifting, encouraging, exciting!