Elemental Fire

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Long before we arrive here on the planet of transformation and change, we make contracts and agreements with other souls who are on a quest for similar growth and knowledge.  These contracts are the blueprints for our souls journey and help facilitate the direction our life will go.  They are a general map of the challenges and choices we will make and are subject to completion once we have explored all of the variations these trials and tribulations can bring.

Karma is the complex game of balance.  For everything we choose and experience in the shadow side of ourselves, we will also create the sunny side as a full spectrum of understanding and compassion that inevitably comes from playing both sides of the pendulum.  These difficult challenges come with a built in support system that is offered by our family, friends and foes . . . they all play an equal roll.

Although most of us would be quick to select the hero or the benevolent characters to portray as our true self, we must also be willing to play the villain, the victim and the victor in every way.  It is important to remember in the middle of ‘the game’ or ‘the show’, that we VOLUNTEERED to do this for each other.  More can be learned from controversy than from complacency.

FAMILY= the full range of support for our learning requirements from happy to harmful, to hurtful and hateful
FRIENDS= those that challenges us to grow by acceptance, rejection or total denial
FOES= our most feared and judged qualities showing up as reflections of what we hold inside such as fears, phobias and belief in failure.


Celebrating Shadow Self

Wisdom Of The Ages

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us to celebrate shadow self, and all that has been gained and learned through the ages of our evolution.  We are an equal balance of love and light, shadow and sun, wisdom and wonder.  Each of these aspects of self have a wealth of knowledge gained through our human journey that contribute to our overall state of awareness and acceptance of ourselves as a part of what love is.

Women of the ages have carried the torch of inner power that has risen to the surface of the collective during these times of great tribulation, and offers us the inner guidance and inspiration to create a better world.  The shadow self has many references to the past that can help us choose more wisely in the now.  Who we have become and are becoming is the reflection of what our hearts are longing to experience that brings peace and harmony to a world in darkness.

FEAR= facing the unknown and loving that part discovered there
FRIGHT= feeling the need for change and seeking it from within
FIGHT= finding ways to stand up for what is fair for all, peacefully

Addiction Programming & Patterning Creating A Gap Within My Soul

Enlightened Self

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a lot of understanding on how we create and maintain our addictive behaviour and chronic conditions.

DENY= resenting the truth and what it really means at soul level
DEFY= resisting the truth about what I think and how I feel
PASIFY= relinquishing the truth for the sake of self or others
INTENSIFY= repeating a belief or fear until it cannot be ignored or denied
IDENTIFY= relating to my environment in a an honest and truthful way
DEIFY= redirecting self power by making something or someone else more important and significant than myself
REDEFY= reflecting a thought and feeling that is manifesting through judgement or fear onto others instead of owning it myself
JUSTIFY= resisting ownership of a truth or belief that is being hidden inside my reasons and excuses

Discovery of these qualities within myself will assist in the process of letting go of the need to use reflections to learn from.  Once I take full responsibility and ownership of my own thoughts and feelings, the answers to my deepest programs and patterns begins to surface in a way I can understand and comprehend.

Once all of the reflections and rejections are unmasked, my soul can then see more clearly what is being learned and embrace it as a gift of wisdom.  From this place of making peace within my soul, there is a release of judgment and fear and a sense of freedom begins to expand from within my heart centre.

The true identity of my soul can only be revealed when it is time to complete the research and accept the rewards that come with it – enlightenment of my soul and a full reunion with conscious creation.