A World Of Change . . . A Season Of Hope

Innocence Of Spirit


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an innocence of spirit and the power of grace that lies within each and every heart.  We are the glory of goodness at the very core of our being that has the power to create the world we live in.  Let there be hope and a sense of happiness in knowing that the world can change at any moment when we are willing to allow it to.

Each and every soul contributes to the level of love that permeates the energy field on this planet.  The more we focus on our full potential, the closer we get to living it.  There is no need for a struggle of power or passion when it comes to living the fullest life we are intended to.  An awakened soul knows one thing powerfully true and that is that there is not enough reasons or justifications for the act of war or violence.

A peaceful planet allows the innocence of its children to be free and cared for in every way.  Just like the planet herself, who is in need of the freedom to just be and thrive in the knowing that all is well and all is wholly created for the purpose of being respected, loved, adored and revered as sacred.  Soon this planet will require every living organism to exist at this level of vibration.  To resist this vibration will mean leaving in various ways.

PEACEFUL= a state of contentment created by experiencing it
PASSIONATE= a state of enthusiasm designed to support itself
POWERFUL= a state of grace where all is equal

A Child With Dreams

Child of Dreams


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us what it was like to be a child where all things were not only possible but believable.  We had the innocence of our faith in life and living it large as part of our inherent future.  The days were filled with mysteries and magic as we explored the unknown and made our own.

Within the heart of each adult lies the remains of this child still hoping things will work out or be better than they are.  The dreams and desires that were cherished and held with such enthusiasm are still lying deep within the folds of our heart map and can be remembered when it is time.

Your child like nature can influence the decisions you are making by distracting you from all the non-sense and bring you back to what really matters.  Am I loved, am I cherished, am I safe, am I worthy of your time and attention?  If you are feeling alone and ignored these days then it is time to unfold the blueprinted map within your heart and take a closer look at what still remains possible that was once a very significant dream you believed in.

DREAMS= a place where magic is alive and well
DESIRES= a feeling that guides you to the place you dreamed of
DESTINY= a celebration of spirit that calls you forward even now

My Own Book Of Revelations

Divine Knowledge

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: needs to be cranked all the way up to REVELATION, for those of us who have spent our lives in a position of being judged, criticized, or condemned because of our beliefs or gentle nature, here is a light bulb moment!  We are not required to play the role of listener or victim for others who are needing to vent their stuff!

When we are in the presence of family or friends who use us as their dumpster and then walk away feeling better, we are not living our best life.  Just because we are compassionate and caring – doesn’t mean we need to sit and listen to the rantings and ravings of those who are not willing or able to take responsibility for their own reflections.

In order to be fully respected for who we are, we must learn to simply smile and acknowledge their moment while turning to walk away and leave them to their own devices.  This allows you to maintain self respect while teaching them some level of awareness that you are not available for their use and abuse.

REVEAL= exposing the truth no matter what or how it feels
REVEL= taking pleasure in the moment even if it’s painful to let go
REVELATION= the moment you recognize it is all about you – or has nothing to do with you