TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – is a message about the vast changes and transformation that is taking place on our planet right now. There are so many different ideas being shared and speculated on that the mental capacity if the human mind is becoming overwhelmed. This is a time where clarity and discernment are the most valuable assets a soul can have to find the truth hidden amoungst the illusions and lies.

The only true vision a soul can work with is the one that is held within your heart. If you have been doing your own personal soul work, then you know the purpose of the heart is to guide and direct us through the maze of life by helping us follow the feelings that bring happiness, hope and healing for us as individuals and ultimately for humanity as a whole.

We have plenty of ‘thoughts’ that float through our minds in a day, and they are instantly responded to by our ‘feelings’. When this is REFLECTED internally as a ‘good’ feeling that could be described as faith, we are more inclined to react to it by following or considering what it is offering us in the way of guidance. When it is REFLECTED in a ‘bad’ way or fear, we go into survival reaction and shut down, put up a wall and turn off our guidance system through the presence of fear.

Our outer world is a direct REFLECTION of our inner world. When we look around and see beauty, order, peace and creative inspiration that feels good – it enhances our hearts light and it REFLECTS more of that feeling internally, and then externally . . . we create our own reality that way.

The light of creation beams into our body through our crown chakra and then travels throughout our body and being where the meridian lines are open and the energy centres or chakras are clear. When they are not due to our current state of wellness/illness challenges, the light is then REFRACTED into a denser form of energy that can be painful, hurtful or stagnant in areas where we tend to experience illness or issues. The longer this is present, the more our life force diminishes.

We are designed to shine like a diamond – and reflect the light of creation internally and externally with equal passion and presence.

REFLECTION= the visual reality we project internally and externally based on our level of acceptance/rejection.
REACTION= the emotional reality we create with our responses through faith or fear that determine our state of wellness/illness.
REFRACTION= the action we inevitably share based on how open and active our internal being is and what level of alignment we allow through our will/worry.



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to seek the inner wisdom of our own intuitive self as we are facing more aspects of ourselves that need to be loved.  We are very quick to judge ourselves and others when the broken pieces of our heart are still floating around in the ethers waiting for us to discover them.  What we don’t want to see or embrace in ourselves, we enlist others to bring them to our attention in ways we cannot ignore or  resist.

The level of resistance we hold inside is in direct proportions to the importance of what we are being asked to accept and love about ourselves.  These qualities tend to show up in ways that we are quite adamant are ‘not our problem’ or ‘someone else’s stuff’.  When we are in this place of denial of self the messages get louder and stronger . . . until we recognize them and own them.

Take some time today and think of the person who triggers you, or annoys you the most.  Somewhere in their starring roll of enemy or adversary is the answer to your mystery of self love that is disguised as rejection or loathing. In the spirit of fairness – be thankful and grateful to the one who plays your mirror and set them free from further obligations.

Broken pieces= the parts of ourselves that we do not love or accept
Bent perception= a distortion of truth that keeps us from being loved
Bad feelings= illusions that love is absent within us or unavailable around us


Feathers are like feelings . . . they help us learn to fly!

Native Blessing

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: feathers are like feelings . . . they help us learn to fly! Our emotional body is designed to elevate our soul to places that help us expand our awareness, and develop our soul skills.  The base nature of our humanness is built on the concept of thought creating an inner reaction which we have recognized as feelings.  These feelings are our inner GPS that helps us follow our thought, fear our thought, judge our thought, ignore our thought or deny our thought and move on to the next one.

As thoughts come through our awareness centre, we instinctively have a reaction to it that tells us if it is worth following.  Our feelings are designed to give us bio feedback from the core of self which aligns or rejects the idea right from the beginning.  If we need to convince ourselves to follow, chances are it will not work out well.  If we have a tendency to doubt our thoughts, they will rarely manifest something that will last and usually falls apart as quickly as it came.  A good strong confident feeling helps us conquer anything we set our mind to.

We have endless thoughts that pass through every second of every day – however, we only have 4 feelings that respond to them:  mad, sad, bad, glad.  Depending on which feeling we choose, and what direction we end up taking, our creations directly reflect what we select!

Here is how the process of creating works for us:

THOUGHT= an idea we receive from source
FEELING= a reaction we get from soul self
REACTION= a feeling we choose to follow
REJECTION= the denial of our thought + feeling
ACTION= the result of our thought + feeling
CREATION= what we manifest for ourselves to learn from