A New Level Of Compassion

The Real Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are all here to share the experience of discovering yourselves through interacting with each other.  We play support roles in every way as we co-create a new world out of our research from the shadow world.  It is time to consider what ways we are able to graduate and move on to a higher level of respect – both for ourselves, and each other.  This will bring such a joyous relief to the world we inhabit.

One of the hardest things for us as humans to understand, is the need for every soul to be seen and heard.  This is not an optional experience, but a necessary one that allows us to witness our reflections in each other where we make the conscious choice to change and grow, or to stubbornly stay the same.  It is inevitable that we will eventually grow . . . but some of us like to make a career out of taking our time to allow it.

It is essential that we observe what others have to say and not because we are obligated to agree or disagree.  This is not an endorsement of what they say or think – but an acknowledgement of their right to be heard.  This is part of our new level of compassion where we no longer judge or reject each other based on opinions.

LISTEN= the ability to pay attention to each other
HEAR= the willingness to allow others to express themselves
HEARD= the feeling of acceptance without judgment

Spending Time In Your Sacred Space

Sacred Space


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to spend some personal time reviewing our state of grace and being.  This is a time when we are being shown the blueprint of the future where we are in a much higher state of resonance with creation.  In order to live in this place, we must first find a way to relate to it in a comfortable way. By going on vision quests or meditative journeys to your own sacred space frequently, you will find a natural order of events unfolding that help you evolve into the next level of awareness.

There are two ways we can approach our position in the vibrational realms.  One is by testing our RESONANCE REACTOR and the other is by observing our REACTION RESISTER.  Both of these energy tests will indicate how you are integrating the daily challenges in the old way  –  or the new way.

The new way is to think BLISS.  This is the highest form of happiness that we can embody here on planet earth.  When we are predominately aligned to bliss energy, we clearly resonate with it and in fact the physical body will REACT with a rush of internal energy that radiates all the way to the surface in what some call goose bumps.  So in effect, your thought of BLISS is being confirmed on all levels of your being through this exercise.

The old way is to react to things that are familiar and repeat the same thought/feeling pattern by a vibration that is low and slow.  You will not have a sense that there is any reaction at all, you will feel a very distinct presence or resistance to being happy.

SADNESS= tears of hurt and pain from the past
ANGER=  words judgement and fear from the past
GUILT=  silence and avoidance of the past

The new way is so much more intense and obvious so we are not left wondering if we are in alignment or not.  When the body systems resonate with the truth and love, there is a definite awareness that is present.

LOVE= a radiance sensation within the body, mind & soul
JOY= an eminence that is undeniable on all levels – self, soul, source
BLISS= a sensation of vibration that emanates from within and all around


Clan Memories Are Surfacing To Guide Us

Clan Memories

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an insight into some of the inner conflicts that are swirling around in our inner awareness these days.  We are from the lineage of light that has woven a thread of information from deep within our minds and souls that runs all the way back to when time began.  These memories are what keeps us focused on our souls purpose.

When the time is right for each and every soul there is an inner awakening that allows the cause and effect of our souls purpose to become known.  During this time we are prone to being upset, forgetful, agitated and frustrated.  As all of the pieces begin to come to the surface we are responsible for putting them together to achieve a larger picture of who we are and why we are here.

During this upheaval, we seem to want to listen more often to those around us, and less likely to listen to the voice within us.  This creates a time and a season of chaos as the truth swirls around in our minds and then stirs up our feelings, and then ultimately stimulates the awakening of a deeper truth that sets us free.  Have patience with yourself if you are in this process and experiencing some of these symptoms.  It will all come together for you soon, and this will be a moment of personal revelation that you won’t deny or reject this time.

SWIRLING THOUGHTS= a repetition of memories that are real
STIRRED UP FEELINGS= a refection of emotions that are relevant
STIMULATED AWARENESS= a reaction at soul level that is revealing truth