TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to utilize our energy in a more proficient and powerful way.  As we experience life lessons, they accumulate energy on all levels that contribute to our state of being.  We are the result of that in the form of stagnation or extreme tension as it continues to build a wave of depleted or excessive life force.  The art of balance comes through our ability to sort through our ‘stuff’ and repurpose it in the best way possible.

As we  have learned the value of recycling – it gives new life and new purpose to things we no longer need or want.  This can also work for our thoughts, feelings, memories, traumas and injuries.  They were once a valuable part of teaching us about energy/synergy and how we reflect that into our world through our own soul reflection.

It is time to consider that we can repurpose our ‘stuff’ by consciously focusing on sending it back to the source of creation for an updated or upgraded version of what we would rather have in our life.  It is a simple as that.  Envision it being sent back through the vibrational door it came through!

MENTAL= imagine sending your unloving thoughts back in exchange for loving ones
EMOTIONAL= envision returning hurtful feelings back in exchange for happy ones
PHYSICAL= send your pain or illness back in exchange for healthy vitality.
SPIRITUAL= allow your soul to release old karma in exchange for enlightenment