Emerging Soul

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to move more gracefully through this time of great challenges.  It is a time of upheaval and turmoil that stirs the polarity of souls in a new and intensely wonderful way.  We are being shifted from a dense state of being into a light body version of our human selves.  This can feel like a difficult time, or a delightful time depending on the perception you hold.

As the broken pieces of our memories are drawn back together to form a complete vision of who we are, the results can be overwhelming to our primitive minds.  This process is called MERGING.  Once this part has been competed and we are able to fully embrace our divine state of being, we then enter into the stages of EMERGING as our new bodies, minds and being steps forward to begin the new dance of living life consciously.

This will be experienced mentally, then emotionally, and then ultimately on the physical level as our DNA blueprint is upgraded to accommodate the higher vibrations and new levels of awareness where we begin to consciously create our new world.  Don’t get caught up in the SUBMERGING into old illusions of what is happening to humanity as this unfolds . . . hold the vision and desire from within your heart to walk through the veils and assume your rightful position as masters of your new world.

MERGING= the transition from separation to co-creation
EMERGING= the transition from illusions to conscious creation
SUBMERGING= the transition of obstruction and destruction

Being Blessed With Patience & Persistence.

Sharing The Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the blessings of patience and persistence as we await the new world of peace on earth.  Each soul is in various stages of preparing themselves for the different energies and realities that are coming into being.  There is so much talk of this time, prayer for its arrival and anticipation of the difference it will make, that it can be difficult to wait for it to gently unfold.

There is plenty of time to experience this amazing time in history.  The foundation has been firmly built, the blueprint is clearly in place, and the idea is now permeating the visual senses of humanity.  Remember your divinity knows the way.  That inner voice and calling from your heart is getting louder and more specific as you enter into each phase of the process.

In those moments when you are getting impatient or frustrated, irritated by the delays or prolonged challenges, then remember to simply breathe.  Use the breath of God/Source that is moving through your being in every moment.  Dive deeply into the river of abundant blessings and let it carry you through those moments when you feel like it is not real or too slow to manifest.

PATIENCE= the space between each breath of Source
PERSISTENCE= the determination to succeed no matter what
PEACE= the inner feeling that comes with knowing all is well