TODAY’S LIFE LESSON ~ suggests that we take a closer look at how our belief system is formed.  It is not so much our willingness to know things, as much as our response, reaction or rejection of what we hear.  We record things very differently at each level of our awareness.  The brain records differently than our emotions, and that reaction is reflected in our physical being, which all directly affects our level of spiritual awareness.  Lets break it down so it becomes very clear and easy to review when things are not in alignment or balance with what you ‘think’ you believe.

As information comes into our awareness through thoughts, sight, sounds, scents or perception, we record it in our consciousness as data.  It does not have a purpose other than a point of reference to be accessed at other times in the future.  This information will be logged in as right or wrong, good or bad, black or white, loving or unloving, true or untrue based on our perception of life as we are currently experiencing it.

The same information is being scanned into our emotional field as it triggers responses, reactions or rejection of that information.  This will be a reference back to our pervious experiences, and how it relates to, or compares to when we last had a similar event.  Our emotions are recorded in our subconscious where they find all kinds of ways to explain, excuse, justify or judge our choices and decisions that directly affects how we relate to ourself and others.  These ‘feelings’ can be in direct alignment with our ‘thoughts’, or in direct opposition to them.  We do not always trust what our thoughts are telling us, and our memories can validate the conflict and confusion that has happened in the past when we followed an idea and got hurt or harmed in some way.  Getting our emotions to align to our thoughts, can be a very challenging lifelong process.

Then we take into our physical reality the sum and total of our thoughts and beliefs as they are in alignment or not in alignment with what we have chosen to believe about ourselves.  We can believe we are a good person ‘logically’ but totally reject that idea ’emotionally’.  It is easy to believe we deserve to be blessed and abundant in our daily lives, but if our emotions have deemed it otherwise, the chain of events we will create will reflect an imbalanced state that makes us feel unloved, unwanted, unworthy or unkind.  This inner battle takes a great deal of time, effort and energy to support and repeat until we become consciously aware of what we are doing and correct it.

THOUGHTS= information that we take into our soul self to process
FEELINGS= emotions that surround our memories and cloud our vision
BELIEFS= how we record the information and respond, react to or reject it

Having our thoughts, feelings and beliefs in alignment with our truth, helps us to feel validated, worthy and loving towards ourselves and others.  If you don’t like what you are creating . . . change how you feel about what you know and embrace it as your truth for the purpose of learning.  Anything can be changed  . . . it is up to us when that will be.










TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us recognize how our energy level can affect not only our own field of creation, but also that of others.  We are interconnected by the forces of love and through that connection learn from each other by our actions and reactions to life’s challenges.

The inner connection to source is enhanced or inhibited by our willingness to allow the flow of energy to move through freely.  When it is not moving freely we can experience technical difficulties with our reception and interaction of information and communication.

Each level of vibration allows us to see more clearly, or dive deep into illusions where we cannot see the truth or what is real.  The lower the vibration . . . the lower the thoughts and feelings become.  Our deepest level of vibrational distortion comes in the form of depression.  The only way out of this level is to start focusing on higher visions, inspirations and directions for our energy to follow.

ENERGETIC= the free flow of vibrational energy moving through us without distortions
KINETIC= the interaction of our energy within and with others in the form of actions
STATIC= the chaotic field of energy that we use when we are in reactions
FRENETIC= the lowest form of energy that keep us in illusionary distractions

Clan Memories Are Surfacing To Guide Us

Clan Memories

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an insight into some of the inner conflicts that are swirling around in our inner awareness these days.  We are from the lineage of light that has woven a thread of information from deep within our minds and souls that runs all the way back to when time began.  These memories are what keeps us focused on our souls purpose.

When the time is right for each and every soul there is an inner awakening that allows the cause and effect of our souls purpose to become known.  During this time we are prone to being upset, forgetful, agitated and frustrated.  As all of the pieces begin to come to the surface we are responsible for putting them together to achieve a larger picture of who we are and why we are here.

During this upheaval, we seem to want to listen more often to those around us, and less likely to listen to the voice within us.  This creates a time and a season of chaos as the truth swirls around in our minds and then stirs up our feelings, and then ultimately stimulates the awakening of a deeper truth that sets us free.  Have patience with yourself if you are in this process and experiencing some of these symptoms.  It will all come together for you soon, and this will be a moment of personal revelation that you won’t deny or reject this time.

SWIRLING THOUGHTS= a repetition of memories that are real
STIRRED UP FEELINGS= a refection of emotions that are relevant
STIMULATED AWARENESS= a reaction at soul level that is revealing truth