The Agreement

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us realize where we are and the blessings we are about to receive.  It is a time of great awakenings and openings that allow us to feel the fullness of our power and grace.  This is not a time for the weak or fragile souls to give up, but to stand up, show up and speak up about their inner desires.

To feel the fullness of the moon, one must also feel the fullness of the soul within.  This part of our heritage has been dormant for far too long.  The open heart is a full heart.  Release all the hurt you have held onto and allow your heart to expand to contain as much love as possible.  When you think you have filled it to capacity, imagine that the contents of your heart are overflowing in an endless stream of light and love.

The current SUPER MOON is their for us to partake of the bounty of the last SUPPER and allow the fullness of our hearts and souls to celebrate the state of grace we contain and share.

THE PAST= our level of thankFULLness for all we have learned
THE PRESENT= our level of grateFULLness for all we have been given
THE FUTURE= our level of hopeFULLness for all we are about to receive

Conscious & Unconscious DNA Shift

DNA Shift

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that there is a lot going on inside and out.  The world around us is reflecting what is taking place within us.  Our world is changing in miraculous ways although the illusion is, that it is actually worse than ever.  The truth is that we must be willing to go through all of the layers of imbalances in order to restore a sense of balance.

Our encoded DNA holds the blueprint for the new reality.  Somehow we are drawing into our experience the challenges we require to make the changes and shifts that are vitally important for our new world.  Each time we let go of the old ways, we leave a space and a place for the new to be birthed.  Doing this consciously is the art of mastery where we intentionally bring into being a new way of living.

From the shadows comes the light in all its radiant glory.  Like the dawn of a new day, the rays of light begin to crest the horizon of our world and we awaken to the truth of what is real and what is not.  By midday or mid transformation there will be enough conscious creators to manifest the final phase of the shift.  Those that resist will be released from this world and given a place where they can continue their chaos in another dimension.

UNCONSCIOUS= the changes we are withholding and resisting (past)
CONSCIOUS= the changes we are awakening to and aware of (present)
SUPERCONSCIOUS= the changes that are destined to be no matter what (future)

The Trance Dance

Trance Send Dance

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: quietly whispers in our spiritual ears that it is time to awaken from our trance dance.  This is the level of awareness where our inner connection to the truth in all things resides.  Our hearts are imprinted with the map and the directions for our soul to follow when the end of our karmic journey is at hand.

This allows us to see clearly through the illusions and confusions of our past and bring a new level of clarity into the now moment.  To fully embody this transformation, we must first acknowledge that we have learned everything our soul has requested and has been virtually tested in every way.  This is the time when still point brings you out of the illusion in into the present.

Using the breath and following it in and out of our mortal body, will allow you to make quantum leaps from the old way into the new way of being.  This reveals within us the old patterns, programs and paradigms that are being replaced with the vibrational match of the new world we are creating.  It can feel overwhelming and exciting all at the same time.  Do no confuse the chaos of change for a loss of direction.  Remember and trust that your heart KNOWS the way and your soul FEELS the call from within to let it happen.

PATTERNS= the repetitious pathways we have been moving along that are familiar
PROGRAMS= the belief systems we have adopted to learn from and through
PARADIGMS= the variations to our patterns and programs that we have completed