Celebrating Shadow Self

Wisdom Of The Ages

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us to celebrate shadow self, and all that has been gained and learned through the ages of our evolution.  We are an equal balance of love and light, shadow and sun, wisdom and wonder.  Each of these aspects of self have a wealth of knowledge gained through our human journey that contribute to our overall state of awareness and acceptance of ourselves as a part of what love is.

Women of the ages have carried the torch of inner power that has risen to the surface of the collective during these times of great tribulation, and offers us the inner guidance and inspiration to create a better world.  The shadow self has many references to the past that can help us choose more wisely in the now.  Who we have become and are becoming is the reflection of what our hearts are longing to experience that brings peace and harmony to a world in darkness.

FEAR= facing the unknown and loving that part discovered there
FRIGHT= feeling the need for change and seeking it from within
FIGHT= finding ways to stand up for what is fair for all, peacefully


The Agreement

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us realize where we are and the blessings we are about to receive.  It is a time of great awakenings and openings that allow us to feel the fullness of our power and grace.  This is not a time for the weak or fragile souls to give up, but to stand up, show up and speak up about their inner desires.

To feel the fullness of the moon, one must also feel the fullness of the soul within.  This part of our heritage has been dormant for far too long.  The open heart is a full heart.  Release all the hurt you have held onto and allow your heart to expand to contain as much love as possible.  When you think you have filled it to capacity, imagine that the contents of your heart are overflowing in an endless stream of light and love.

The current SUPER MOON is their for us to partake of the bounty of the last SUPPER and allow the fullness of our hearts and souls to celebrate the state of grace we contain and share.

THE PAST= our level of thankFULLness for all we have learned
THE PRESENT= our level of grateFULLness for all we have been given
THE FUTURE= our level of hopeFULLness for all we are about to receive


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TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: compliments those who are still hanging in there with all of the turmoil that is raging around the world.  It takes a great deal of courage and commitment to hold the light when so much is happening to make it fade.  This too shall pass as we remember the invincible inner light we carry and that it is eternal.

Let the world be your halo of love and affection.  Don’t engage directly, but learn to emanate your light radially.  In your meditations, see the glow of your light illuminating everything and everyone around you in a haze of glory.  This silent gift of love will soften even the most hardened of hearts from the inside out.

At times when there are no words to describe how we feel about the chaos and the destruction, we are given the blessing of diffusing this energy with a simple heart felt prayer for peace and protection.  Surround yourself with the light of grace, fill yourself with the blessing of peaceful power, and elevate yourself to a higher plane of awareness that transcends all harmful vibration of energy.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE LIGHT OF GRACE= this is our personal right and ability to keep the balance of love within us when all else is in its chaotic cycle.

FILL YOURSELF WITH THE BLESSING OF PEACEFUL POWER= we have the ability to embrace or conquer all things we have created or requested.  That is how we evolve and grow as a soul.

ELEVATE YOURSELF TO A HIGHER PLANE= a place where we are safe, secure and serene while all others are in a state of chaos or destruction.  We have the ability and the right to choose where we will be during these cycles.