Change Your Own Nuclear Reactor!

Seeking The Shadow

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: sends a clear message to challenge us to shift to the next level of creation called co-creation.  At this level, we are able to manifest more clearly and easily than ever before.  The concept of conscious creation is moving through the collective and resetting everyones energy to a higher level of potential.

From this time forward, you will be shown how to take the information that is being shown to you or told to you and move it through the inner filter or reactor in a very different way. Instead of ‘reacting’ we will be slowing down our processing to create a more loving response.  This enables us to take what we feel is true, necessary, valid or essential to our well being and ‘respond’ in a loving way.

It is not about everything and everyone being in agreement!  It is about each and every heart being in alignment with a more peaceful way of living and being. In the past fear and judgment were the vibrational energies that entered into our hearts and minds and made us defensive, aggressive or abusive.  By taking the extra time and using your divine filter of patience, tolerance and forgiveness, you will rise above adversity and begin to celebrate diversity!  This is the new level of Divine Soul University, where we learn unconditional love.

ADVERSITY= the potential for conflict and chaos
DIVERSITY= the potential for a broad spectrum of options and opportunity
UNIVERSITY= the potential for all to honour and respect/accept every aspect of creation



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks us which world is witch world?  It would seem that the world we live in today is the one that the religions were protecting themselves from when they attempted to ban all women who practiced the sacred art of healing.  The illusion was that they were evil and harmful to the world at large.  It is ironic, that the same authorities that felt they were above the natural ways of the world are the ones involved in creating total devastation now.

In the spirit of celebrating traditional witchcraft or natural healers, perhaps the season has come where they might have some of the most profound answers to the worlds unsolvable questions. . . Never judge someone by their beliefs, respect their intentions to contribute something sacred to the journey we are all on.  Let us not fear the power of those that intend to assist the planet in achieving balance and harmony, and make peace with each others methods of creating it.

WITCHES= women who understand the power of being connected to nature
HEALERS= shaman who respect the laws of spirit and balance of nature
VISIONARIES= seers who’s insights give comfort and direction to us all
EMISSARIES= light beings who guide and protect us from harms way

Being Blessed With Patience & Persistence.

Sharing The Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the blessings of patience and persistence as we await the new world of peace on earth.  Each soul is in various stages of preparing themselves for the different energies and realities that are coming into being.  There is so much talk of this time, prayer for its arrival and anticipation of the difference it will make, that it can be difficult to wait for it to gently unfold.

There is plenty of time to experience this amazing time in history.  The foundation has been firmly built, the blueprint is clearly in place, and the idea is now permeating the visual senses of humanity.  Remember your divinity knows the way.  That inner voice and calling from your heart is getting louder and more specific as you enter into each phase of the process.

In those moments when you are getting impatient or frustrated, irritated by the delays or prolonged challenges, then remember to simply breathe.  Use the breath of God/Source that is moving through your being in every moment.  Dive deeply into the river of abundant blessings and let it carry you through those moments when you feel like it is not real or too slow to manifest.

PATIENCE= the space between each breath of Source
PERSISTENCE= the determination to succeed no matter what
PEACE= the inner feeling that comes with knowing all is well