Celebration copy

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: compliments those who are still hanging in there with all of the turmoil that is raging around the world.  It takes a great deal of courage and commitment to hold the light when so much is happening to make it fade.  This too shall pass as we remember the invincible inner light we carry and that it is eternal.

Let the world be your halo of love and affection.  Don’t engage directly, but learn to emanate your light radially.  In your meditations, see the glow of your light illuminating everything and everyone around you in a haze of glory.  This silent gift of love will soften even the most hardened of hearts from the inside out.

At times when there are no words to describe how we feel about the chaos and the destruction, we are given the blessing of diffusing this energy with a simple heart felt prayer for peace and protection.  Surround yourself with the light of grace, fill yourself with the blessing of peaceful power, and elevate yourself to a higher plane of awareness that transcends all harmful vibration of energy.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE LIGHT OF GRACE= this is our personal right and ability to keep the balance of love within us when all else is in its chaotic cycle.

FILL YOURSELF WITH THE BLESSING OF PEACEFUL POWER= we have the ability to embrace or conquer all things we have created or requested.  That is how we evolve and grow as a soul.

ELEVATE YOURSELF TO A HIGHER PLANE= a place where we are safe, secure and serene while all others are in a state of chaos or destruction.  We have the ability and the right to choose where we will be during these cycles.

A Transformation Is Taking Place











TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a very important message about our need for transformation.  This level of change affects the sum and the whole of who you are, and virtually the entire collective as it moves through the energy field of our planet.

Allowing ourselves to be real, truthful, honest and complete, makes all the difference between a world at war, and a world of peace.  We each contribute to the energy of war through our own inner battles at soul level.  This vibration reaches far beyond our own energy field, and fills the collective with static energy which initiates more of the same vibration for us to face and experience.

Being conscious of these energies will allow you to pay closer attention to the tension in your body, mind and soul.  A soul at peace radiates an energy of calmness, kindness and forgiveness without saying a word.  As you monitor your own inner levels of peace and contentment, you have the ability to correct or redirect any imbalances into a better state of being called grace.

LIMITED= thoughts that are judgements & criticism of self and others relating to right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark that are causing hurt or hate to dwell within.
UNLIMITED= the open hearted use of acceptance and respect that can shift how we feel about ourselves and each other to embrace and allow love to flow.
LIMITATION= a self imposed state of defence and protection that keeps us imprisoned in our own illusory state of victimization.
ELIMINATION= a conscious choice to release and remove any and all limiting judgments and fears that keep us living in an illusion of hurt, pain, war and conflict.

The Dreamer In Me

The Dreamer Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to reconnect with the inner dreamer who holds the vision of guiding us to wonderful places yet undiscovered.  These magical places are birthed within our own minds and hearts as we seek to find the place of peace and contentment inside where we are joyful and happy.

Happiness is an inner state of grace where we are at one with all of our parts and at peace with how we fit into the cosmic puzzle.  Without us – the universe would be incomplete.  We are intrinsically part of a cosmic force that requires us to be fully present in order for there to be balance.  Finding that point of balance inside our soul is the most important of all tasks we are here to achieve.

The dreamer is a powerful source for discovering what may still be out of balance or requiring our undivided attention to allow our soul to blossom into the fullness of our power and potential.  Learning to listen to the dreamer can take some patience and tolerance of various parts of ourselves that can play a game of hide and seek.  The joy of finding them takes us back to childhood where the days of play and laughter still echo in our hearts.

VISIONS= the potential we see in ourselves
DREAMS= the possibilities we create for ourselves
ILLUSIONS= the portraits we paint to hide ourselves