TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the intention that we are here to learn so many life lessons through trial and error, falling down and getting up, the pendulum of moving forward and then seemingly being knocked backwards . . . it is all an ingenious process for us to learn about the various and sometimes endless conditions that a human soul can experience in their lifetime.

Each life lesson is recorded within our soul system to remind us of where we have been, what we have learned and where we need to move forward to from there.  No life lesson is an absolute.  The only thing we know for sure, is that once we have been there and done that, the next logical step should be to move in a different direction which should improve the outcome in some beneficial way.

Well logic is very different than emotion.  Logic is very linear and black and white . . . the full spectrum of emotions tend to anchor themselves to an experience and then replay it over and over again until we are very clear that is not where we want to be, or who we want to be if we are going to grow or change.  Emotions can be distractions that keep us from being clear or certain about what we are really trying to accomplish.  Feelings – well they are basic and simple:  MAD, SAD, BAD, GLAD no confusion there, only anger, hurt, guilt or happiness to choose from.

Once we have researched all the ‘conditions’ that life can throw our way, then we have all of the understanding, compassion and empathy that we need to have patience, tolerance and acceptance for others who are still going through the process.  This is how we achieve the state of unconditional love called grace.

CONDITIONAL LOVE= the use of judgment and fear to express ourselves and explore the world as a unique soul seeking perfection.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE= the state of grace where you are perfectly at peace with being an imperfect human, but loving yourself and others anyway.

Our Soul Is Shedding Layers


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us into the realms of transformation where all old programs and patterns that no longer serve our soul in a loving way are being shed in layers.  These characteristics and traits were designed as a descendant vibration to help us dive deeper down into our own soul.

As the light of creation is now shining down in a more powerful way, we are being awakened at the most profound level of our awareness of self.  The memories of our true potential are flickering in the background of our thoughts and feelings.  These flashes of who we truly are, are a part of what brings the flame of love back into action within our heart.

Keeping the faith and feeling the flow of power while this shedding process takes place is quite challenging.  The heart of our soul is wavering back and forth between where and who we are now, with where and who we are becoming.  The gap that is present in between is closing slowly as we feel more and more at home in our new role.

PATIENCE = the ability to hold onto what is happening while we sort through the parts we need to keep (wisdom) – and the parts we need to release (worry).
PASSION = the inner drive and excitement that keeps us going when we would rather give up or retreat is the key to making changes a reality.
POTENTIAL = the inner knowing of what we are truly capable of compared to what we have limited ourselves to, inspires us to continue to shift, change, grow and evolve.
PRESENCE = the powerful source of energy called love that is always available for us to tap into, draw from, and share abundantly.  The more we allow it – the more we have.


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Power is the inner connection to source that allows me to engage in a natural flow and dialogue of light and love we call life.

Power is not about struggle or stress, compete or compare, have or have not, it is about equalizing, respecting and honouring the differences.

Power is a right of passage, but not the passing of rights where there is the idea of exclusion or conditions through judgement or fear.

Personal Power is the balance between what I do for myself and what I do for others that contributes to a more balanced and harmonious world.

Each of these qualities are connected to the elemental energies of our earthly existence and are aligned in order of importance to us as individuals.

Water/Peace – a natural flow of energy that soothes my soul
Fire/Passion – a flame that can hurt or heal my heart
Earth/Pain – a reflection of my energy and how I am grounded
Air/Perseverance – a continuous flow of my thoughts & perception

PEACE= an inner and outer harmony with the world I inhabit
PASSION= a level of happiness and joy that keeps me youthful
PAIN= the absence of personal power where I choose to suffer
PERSEVERANCE = achieving the highest level of my personal power