TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: acknowledges that we are far enough awake and aware to realize the what happens to one of us can happen to all of us.  What is tolerated in one area can be duplicated in another – and what is accepted as normal will set the standard by which all other standards are raised or lowered.

The experiences of our indigenous peoples have taught us to be willing to take a stand for what is morally, ethically and spiritually true by peacefully holding space while the tides of fury are all around.  The most powerful way of ending an era of imbalances, unfairness and a blatant disregard for fairness is to simply lay down our swords and arrows and hold a silent vigil for peace.  The least amount of resistance, with the highest level of integrity.

Our hearts and kindred spirit goes out to the souls who have stood their ground and held their space even though they have been persecuted, beaten, shot and harmed – they stand by their faith and hold the space.  May there be more of us willing to do just that!

HEAD= the wisdom we carry through many trials and tribulations
HEART= the truth about balance and consciously choosing it
HEARTH= the space and place we call home where we face our foes and fears with faith.

It’s what is inside that counts!

Nature Spirits

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  invites us to take an inner journey into our own world of changes and review the state of grace we are inhabiting.  Most days we are in a certain amount of turmoil that can distract us from a balanced state of being if we are not diligent in paying attention to how we feel.

There are several versions of vibration that we are designed to embody and each of them is slightly different than the other.  Each on their own can be challenging to keep balanced and aligned but the feeling that comes with achieving it – is amazing.  Our cosmic puzzle of us as individuals is enough to focus on without feeling the need to align ourselves to what others think or say, or are currently doing.  Just breathe – and be at peace within.

Calling upon our various natures can also be an insightful way of bring ourselves back into balance.  We know what peace, calm, gentle feels like – we also know the opposite is turbulent, agitated and aggressive or abusive.  It is not difficult to recognize which one we are in.  Catching ourselves going there is more important than ever.  Interrupting the pattern and rewriting the program is essential to our overall all wellness and wellbeing.

SELF= that part of us that requires physical alignment
SOUL= the part of us that seeks emotional alignment
SPIRIT= the part of us that needs perceptual alignment
SOURCE= the part of us that desires oneness alignment

Winter Wolf Moon

Clan Memories


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to look at the fullness of our future and see the blessings of the ages that are unfolding.  We are in a phase of creation where the wilderness of our dreams is beginning to call into being the truth of what we desire.  The spirit of the lone wolf has been guiding us deeper and deeper into our own hearts sanctuary where the real part of our soul is awakening. We have walked away from so many partnerships, friendships, and relationships in pursuit of this destiny.

Each time we take an inner journey to the place where there is only the wild spirit of our true nature, we discover a part of ourselves that is longing to be set free.  The challenge is to listen without feeling in some way overwhelmed by what absolute freedom would mean.  We are so used to the social and political boundaries that have been set in place for centuries, that the thought of living outside those boundaries can be intimidating.

The spirit of the wolf moon adds a full dimension of possibilities that we can at least consider what life is going to be like when we allow our soul to live free and clear of all fears and judgements, conditions and criticisms.  To once again follow our true soul’s desires and lift our sights to a higher level of freedom for all.  First the vision – then the direction will be shown to us as the future unfolds a realm of unlimited creation.

VISUALIZE= holding the image of what your heart desires
EMPATHIZE= understand the significance of what that will create
REALIZE= manifest the true reality that you are destined to live in