Emerging Soul

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to move more gracefully through this time of great challenges.  It is a time of upheaval and turmoil that stirs the polarity of souls in a new and intensely wonderful way.  We are being shifted from a dense state of being into a light body version of our human selves.  This can feel like a difficult time, or a delightful time depending on the perception you hold.

As the broken pieces of our memories are drawn back together to form a complete vision of who we are, the results can be overwhelming to our primitive minds.  This process is called MERGING.  Once this part has been competed and we are able to fully embrace our divine state of being, we then enter into the stages of EMERGING as our new bodies, minds and being steps forward to begin the new dance of living life consciously.

This will be experienced mentally, then emotionally, and then ultimately on the physical level as our DNA blueprint is upgraded to accommodate the higher vibrations and new levels of awareness where we begin to consciously create our new world.  Don’t get caught up in the SUBMERGING into old illusions of what is happening to humanity as this unfolds . . . hold the vision and desire from within your heart to walk through the veils and assume your rightful position as masters of your new world.

MERGING= the transition from separation to co-creation
EMERGING= the transition from illusions to conscious creation
SUBMERGING= the transition of obstruction and destruction

The Shadow & The Light

The Infinite Journey


The Shadow Self

The place between the dark and light
That we would call day or night
The space between the rising sun
And where it sets when the day is done
A place where we begin to merge
As our energies fade or sometimes surge
The intimate place where shadows dwell
That soulful time between heaven and hell
A time when we all can learn to dance
Through the veils of time in a spiritual trance
Where all forms of life are cast in stone
And the human heart feels so alone
The dance begins to awaken the soul
And our hearts align to sum of the whole
Then the shadow self steps out in the light
And our wisdom awakens the true insight
The shadow fades and soul expands
As we journey home to sacred lands
The place where love embraces us all
And we forget the graceful fall
Our time has come to all return
And share the blessings of what we learned
The shadow and the light are one
They are reflected from the eternal sun
It is where our male and female unite
As the inner child whispers good night.

                      by Donna Hamilton 11.19.13