It Is Time To TRUST

DNA Shift

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that there comes a time when you are on a journey that you must either trust you are getting there, going there or have arrived there.  To make the destination we are required to make an effort to move forward and follow our hearts instinctive knowing that we must go there or get there.

In this process of soul journeying, there is no room left for doubt, fear or worry.  At this point we are being challenged to simply trust.  But to the human mind and emotions, trust is one of the hardest things to embrace as we reference this moment back to other moments and events where we were not sure or got totally disappointed.  This is the old paradigm programming challenging us to do an update to this moment and allow all other moments to simply fall away.

It is quite simple really – we either TRUST or we don’t.  Time to pick one!

T= time to trust life has a purpose
R= release all old patterns & programs
U= use the memories through wisdom
S= surrender to the new moment
T= trust there is no greater time than now

Channeled messages through Donna Hamilton – Divine Alchemist
Creator of The Ascensial Life Centre
Rockwood, Ontario, Canada