
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Asks you if you have ever considered that you are wiser than you will ever know, more powerful than you can possibly perceive and more beautiful than you can ever imagine.  It is up to you to simply allow this to be revealed not only to yourself, but to the world you inhabit.  With this shift in your own reality, comes a shift inthe real world you are creating.  It is all a part of what makes life worth living and living worth the effort it takes to experience it.

In a world where there is no right or wrong, best or better, higher or lower powers, you are simply making your way through the maze of choices you make to see what fits your own soul in the way of magnificence.  This way you eliminate the need for compete and compare from every angle and let yourself simply accept that each soul is the reflection of perfection in any shape or form it takes.

If you peeled off the limiting thoughts and feelings you are holding onto, you would be a whole new being.  Imagine being yourself, being real, being kind, being abundant, being awake and aware . . . the possibilities are endless.  I think that is what love is trying to teach us one savoury step at a time. Hold the vision of all your limitations as a banana peel that you can unzip from top to bottom and step out of . . . .

Let me know what you experience with this vision!

Peel= taking off what no longer fits & shifts
Appeal= seeking what benefits & blesses you
Repeal= releasing old personal rules & laws