TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to go ahead and be as creative as we can possibly be. The art of creating is within itself one of the most powerful things we can do with our essence and energy.  We were born to create and when we allow that energy to flow freely through our being, we are happy and healthy. When we hold back, block or resist the creative process, it stagnates within us and slows the vibrational power of our body mind and soul.

The best way to begin restarting your creative juices, is to check with your inner soul and ask what is missing?  We usually notice the things that are not happening far quicker and easier than we see the things we should be doing.  It will show up as a longing, a sadness, a hurtful feeling or a loneliness that is running in the background of your daily routine.

If you have been feeling frustrated, angry, impatient or just plain exhausted . . . it may be time to crank up the volume and get focusing on something that will rekindle your fire to lift your spirits and raise your vibration to a higher level.

ACTION= when you are following your heart and living large
REACTION= when you are fearing your heart and hurting deeply
CREATION= when you are using your gifts and abilities to learn from and grow
MANIFESTATION= when you are putting everything you are and everything you can do to the maximum use of your hearts desires . . . or shutting them down so they never get to dance with you.  The choice is yours!

Hare~Honey Bee~Humming Bird


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks us to take a look at our hard work and manifestation energy.  Are we still using the old program of ‘you have to work hard to get ahead?”  This is the way we keep our nose to the grindstone and never have a chance to look up or around to actually enjoy life.  How much do you do in a day that reflects the true joy and happiness you are longing for?

The time we spend with our focus on survival, success and service will reveal a lot about how much real life we have in the life we are living.  Just doing what is required to survive these days can make you exhausted and then the emptiness that comes with it.  Perhaps it is time to consider that how busy we keep ourselves may be the measurement of how desperate we are to avoid actually living the life we were designed to create!

So take a few moments and really look at your energy level – your busyness level – your happiness level and see if there is room for improvement or adjustment.

THE HARE= a wonderfully laid back day of eating greens and snoozing in the sun
THE HONEY BEE= a busy day of routine and missions to build up reserves
THE HUMMING BIRD= an intense day of seeking nectar but burning as fast you find it.



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to take a closer look at our current point of focus as we go through the shedding of layers and life lessons.  When we consider how powerful we have become with our thoughts and feelings aligning to the frequencies of full spectrum manifestation, it is important to make sure we are aware of what we are creating and intending.

Our vibrational blueprint creates energy based on what we focus on . . . like the vines in a garden, the roots will go deeper and stronger and the leaves will grow to a height that support our emotions and beliefs.  Where thought goes . . . energy flows.  So if you are focusing on the problems in life, your life will support that with creating more problems to focus on!  The simplest of ideas or tasks will seem far more complex and complicated than they need to be and we end up crawling along the surface instead of rising up.

If we are going to change the direction of our journey, we must begin to allow the light of our heart to shine brightly enough to reveal a better pathway.  This comes through consciously using our thoughts to light up the vibrations of growth that guides us towards the light of our soul.  The ultimate goal of a soul is to become whole.  How quickly you arrive at this revelation will depend on how focused you are in just being yourself and not a limited version of self that is defined by anyone else.

GOING= a conscious awareness of the direction your life is taking you – towards, or away from the light of your hearts desires?
GROWING= the expansion of our awareness that allows us to be authentic and real about who we are and how we live our life in the light or shadowed state.
GLOWING= a measurement of balance that helps us be aware of what state we are currently living in.  When the heart is open and allowing love to flow – we glow.  It is a radiance that cannot be ignored nor denied.