TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to begin to seriously download and offload as much as we can from our inner sanctuary.  Whatever is not helping you, healing you or uplifting you will be holding you back.

We like to hold onto things as part of how we process.  It helps us justify how we feel, or explain why we do what we do.  The old stories are no longer relevant to the person we are today.  Anything that can lighten the load will only enhance your sense of self and self worth which moves you closer to the reality of self love.

Part of human nature is to accumulate things; whether it is memories, fears, judgments or worries we have a stock pile that weighs heavy on the heart, and hurts our soul.  With the intense energies of the eclipse and the planetary positioning of powerful energies, now is the time to liberate ourselves from unnecessary garbage, baggage and luggage!  They all contribute to us AGEING and feeling weary.

GARBAGE= the beliefs we hold onto from the past the clutter our mind
BAGGAGE= the emotions we hold onto to justify our hurt feelings and failures
LUGGAGE= the judgements and fears we like to carry with us into every new experience