Change Your Own Nuclear Reactor!

Seeking The Shadow

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: sends a clear message to challenge us to shift to the next level of creation called co-creation.  At this level, we are able to manifest more clearly and easily than ever before.  The concept of conscious creation is moving through the collective and resetting everyones energy to a higher level of potential.

From this time forward, you will be shown how to take the information that is being shown to you or told to you and move it through the inner filter or reactor in a very different way. Instead of ‘reacting’ we will be slowing down our processing to create a more loving response.  This enables us to take what we feel is true, necessary, valid or essential to our well being and ‘respond’ in a loving way.

It is not about everything and everyone being in agreement!  It is about each and every heart being in alignment with a more peaceful way of living and being. In the past fear and judgment were the vibrational energies that entered into our hearts and minds and made us defensive, aggressive or abusive.  By taking the extra time and using your divine filter of patience, tolerance and forgiveness, you will rise above adversity and begin to celebrate diversity!  This is the new level of Divine Soul University, where we learn unconditional love.

ADVERSITY= the potential for conflict and chaos
DIVERSITY= the potential for a broad spectrum of options and opportunity
UNIVERSITY= the potential for all to honour and respect/accept every aspect of creation

The Colours Of Our Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a closer look at the colours of our soul and what it means as a being of light.  We are composed of the full spectrum of light which when broken down becomes the rays of the rainbow.  Within each of us there are the individual colour centres known as chakras.  Within these energy centres, there is a point of balance where the masculine and feminine energies align together as one.

When our thoughts (masculine) and our feelings (feminine) are not in alignment with each other, we are in a state of imbalance which is reflected through judgement and fear. This is simply a way of recognizing there is an imbalance present.  It is not a failure, or defeated state that cannot be cleared or healed in the blink of an eye.  Balance is truly simple when you understand what it represents and how it can be reflected through us and to us from our inner and outer environments.

ROOT CHAKRA RED= the balance of faith & forgiveness
SACRAL CHAKRA ORANGE= the balance of creation & recreation
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA YELLOW= the balance of self & source
HEART CHAKRA GREEN= the balance of passion & compassion
THROAT CHAKRA BLUE= the balance of expression & communication
THIRD EYE CHAKRA INDIGO= the balance of impression & perception
CROWN CHAKRA PURPLE= the balance of humanity & divinity

Moon Maiden Blessings

Moon Maiden

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to hold onto the wave of love and light that is moving through our earth energy field.  This is a wave that is so intense and filled with light that it will appear to be overwhelming to some.  Just breathe.  Take each breath and allow yourself to inhale the very breath of your creator as the love builds a new bridge of light within your soul.

It has been a long time coming, and this ‘second’ coming of the light will enlarge your hearts capacity to love self and others.  The inner realms of glory will welcome this shift with open arms and heart.  So many have given up on this kind of love even existing and yet we assure you that the direction it is guiding you to and through will restore any doubts you might have had.

Faith and fear will dance in the moonlight together as they embark on a new relationship.  There will come a moment when you realize that the two are one and the same.  When you are in fear, your faith is supporting every step you take towards a better life.  When faith is in the lead – you will feel the fear that once held you back urging you forward and supporting your new direction.

FAITH= your inner guidance aligned to love and light
FEAR= your inner challenger that inspires you to feel the light
FIND= your inner compass to seek and search for more light
FOLLOW= your inner desire that helps you find the light
FOCUS=  your inner intention to be the light