TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to seek the inner wisdom of our own intuitive self as we are facing more aspects of ourselves that need to be loved.  We are very quick to judge ourselves and others when the broken pieces of our heart are still floating around in the ethers waiting for us to discover them.  What we don’t want to see or embrace in ourselves, we enlist others to bring them to our attention in ways we cannot ignore or  resist.

The level of resistance we hold inside is in direct proportions to the importance of what we are being asked to accept and love about ourselves.  These qualities tend to show up in ways that we are quite adamant are ‘not our problem’ or ‘someone else’s stuff’.  When we are in this place of denial of self the messages get louder and stronger . . . until we recognize them and own them.

Take some time today and think of the person who triggers you, or annoys you the most.  Somewhere in their starring roll of enemy or adversary is the answer to your mystery of self love that is disguised as rejection or loathing. In the spirit of fairness – be thankful and grateful to the one who plays your mirror and set them free from further obligations.

Broken pieces= the parts of ourselves that we do not love or accept
Bent perception= a distortion of truth that keeps us from being loved
Bad feelings= illusions that love is absent within us or unavailable around us


Prayer of Gratitude & Thankfulness

Gratitude Prayer








Today’s Life Lesson: encourages us to take time to focus on our life and how many ways we allow ourselves to be loved and blessed.  It is a time where all else is set aside while we embrace our lives in a way that offers gratitude for our experiences both great and small.  Find a way of seeing the blessings in the burdens we have chosen to carry, and a way of shifting our perception from being less than perfect to acknowledging the perfection of just being.

Each day that we show up for our own version of creation expressing itself through our own eyes, we contribute so much to the sum of the whole, and the evolution of the collective.  As individuals we are learning to be valued, and as a human race we are accepting the concept that we are priceless.

Here are some ways we can focus our intentions and prayers on the things that are working well, the breakthroughs that are already happening, and the opportunities to expand the vibrations of love in our own personal way.  May the overflowing light of love saturate your soul with gratitude and thankfulness this day.

THANKFUL= giving thanks for absolutely everything that is happening
GRATEFUL= acknowledging the blessings that are already present
HOPEFUL= accepting there are no limits on your potential
HELPFUL= allowing the assistance of self and others to prevail
PEACEFUL= embracing the art of giving and receiving love equally



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us put together the pieces of our cosmic puzzle in a way that makes it clear where we are, where we are going, and where will be when the light of love brings peace to earth.

There are many steps to our souls’ journey and each one of those steps brings us closer to the fullness of our love and glory.  In those moments when we are not able to see clearly, it is good to just be still and listen to our heart.  This quite often will appear as hurt.  Listen anyway.  Within the experience of hurting we are discovering new ways to embrace love at a much deeper place that takes us to a higher level.

Have patience  with soul self as the residuals of many lifetimes surface for us to witness and observe as clues to what is not as yet in alignment with our hearts desires and purpose.  These clues are not meant to discourage us, but in fact increase our courage to a level where we can be more powerful and strong through the wisdom we have gathered.  Remember love is present in all things no matter how they may appear.

SEEKER= one who looks for love in all things
SEARCHER= one who seeks to experiences love in all things
SEER= one who envisions love in all things